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- Apr 29, 2014
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Update From ​“Changing Lives Nepal”
As many of you know, MounÂtain MadÂness offers advenÂtures to many develÂopÂing counÂtries throughÂout the world. As visÂiÂtors of these far-off lands, we learned earÂly on that the peoÂple of these counÂtries are the true treaÂsure and we have a responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty to offer help when, and where, we can.
Deana Zabaldo/​CLN photo
In Nepal, MM offers many climbs and treks in the astoundÂingÂly beauÂtiÂful Himalayan mounÂtains as well as elseÂwhere in the region. Our award-winÂning guide in Nepal is Deana ZabalÂdo and, for years now, she has made it her busiÂness to improve the lives of Nepali famÂiÂlies. In 2008 she foundÂed, and is deeply involved in, the non-profÂit, ​“ChangÂing Lives Nepal”. MM and our clients have donÂtatÂed monÂey to ChangÂing Lives Nepal with impresÂsive results. The latÂest mesÂsage from Deana came in to the MM offices this week and reads:
ConÂstructÂing a new home. Deana Zabaldo/​CLN photo
“Dear Mark,
Thank you so much for the donaÂtion to ChangÂing Lives Nepal last year! I’m hapÂpy to say that with help from you and your clients, we have recentÂly grantÂed $11,000 for conÂstrucÂtion of our new ChilÂdren’s Home (on land we perÂmaÂnentÂly own), $9,000 to conÂtinÂue the organÂic almond project, $2,800 for Maya’s eduÂcaÂtion fund and we’re testÂing out 2 solar cookÂers with BudÂdhist nuns in Tsum Valley.
Solar cookÂers. Deana Zabaldo/​CLN photo
We have 18 chilÂdren in the ChilÂdren’s Home now, and we are hopÂing they can move into their new perÂmaÂnent home by the end of the year. I’m grateÂful for your supÂport — we truÂly couldÂn’t do it withÂout you and the MounÂtain MadÂness clients! I hope this finds you hapÂpy and enjoyÂing the SeatÂtle spring!
If travÂel to Nepal is someÂthing you’ve been thinkÂing about, check out our climbs and treks to Asia and if you so choose, be a part of our givÂing back to Nepal.