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Everest with Mountain Madness

Update From ​“Changing Lives Nepal”

As many of you know, Moun­tain Mad­ness offers adven­tures to many devel­op­ing coun­tries through­out the world. As vis­i­tors of these far-off lands, we learned ear­ly on that the peo­ple of these coun­tries are the true trea­sure and we have a respon­si­bil­i­ty to offer help when, and where, we can.

Deana Zabaldo/​CLN photo

In Nepal, MM offers many climbs and treks in the astound­ing­ly beau­ti­ful Himalayan moun­tains as well as else­where in the region. Our award-win­ning guide in Nepal is Deana Zabal­do and, for years now, she has made it her busi­ness to improve the lives of Nepali fam­i­lies. In 2008 she found­ed, and is deeply involved in, the non-prof­it, ​“Chang­ing Lives Nepal”. MM and our clients have don­tat­ed mon­ey to Chang­ing Lives Nepal with impres­sive results. The lat­est mes­sage from Deana came in to the MM offices this week and reads:

Con­struct­ing a new home. Deana Zabaldo/​CLN photo

“Dear Mark,

Thank you so much for the dona­tion to Chang­ing Lives Nepal last year! I’m hap­py to say that with help from you and your clients, we have recent­ly grant­ed $11,000 for con­struc­tion of our new Chil­dren’s Home (on land we per­ma­nent­ly own), $9,000 to con­tin­ue the organ­ic almond project, $2,800 for Maya’s edu­ca­tion fund and we’re test­ing out 2 solar cook­ers with Bud­dhist nuns in Tsum Valley. 

Solar cook­ers. Deana Zabaldo/​CLN photo

We have 18 chil­dren in the Chil­dren’s Home now, and we are hop­ing they can move into their new per­ma­nent home by the end of the year. I’m grate­ful for your sup­port — we tru­ly could­n’t do it with­out you and the Moun­tain Mad­ness clients! I hope this finds you hap­py and enjoy­ing the Seat­tle spring!



If trav­el to Nepal is some­thing you’ve been think­ing about, check out our climbs and treks to Asia and if you so choose, be a part of our giv­ing back to Nepal.