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- Nov 18, 2010
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Everest Base Camp: The Fun Begins!
This is the secÂond post from Deana ZabalÂdo, who is leadÂing our secÂond EverÂest Base Camp Trek of the seaÂson. Deana is joined by PemÂba GyalÂje SherÂpa, who will be takÂing four memÂbers of our team up to Camp 2 on Mount EverÂest for our KhumÂbu IceÂfall ExtenÂsion. We welÂcome you to folÂlow Deana, who will be leadÂing our fall Bhutan trip as well, and enjoy her reports from high in the Himalayas!

BlanÂdine FayÂolle photo
The trail to EverÂest Base Camp begins with an earÂly mornÂing flight into LukÂla and then a hike down into the valÂley. Up and down the trail, we pass through brightÂly paintÂed vilÂlages, around piles of black and white stones carved with BudÂdhist mantras, and across long susÂpenÂsion bridges draped over the churnÂing Dudh Kosi…the Milk RivÂer, named for all the glacial sedÂiÂment it conÂtains. Along the way, you nevÂer know what you’ll find…
(Watch videos of the Lama and prayer wheel here and of the porters here.)
The weathÂer in the KhumbÂhu ValÂley has always been a bit unpreÂdictable, and even more so now with the cliÂmate change of recent years. As we climb toward NamÂche Bazaar, our sunÂny day turns to snow. It’s a magÂiÂcal entrance to this famous wayÂpoint, and the town is beauÂtiÂfulÂly striped with patchÂes of snow beginÂning to stick.
BudÂdhist gates mark the edge of towns or sacred valÂleys. PassÂing through the strucÂture (paintÂed with gods and manÂdalas) cleansÂes us of any evil spirÂits as we enter the area.
See a video of the snowy weathÂer as the group enters NamÂche here.
Stay tuned for more updates as we hear from our group on the EverÂest Base Camp Trek!
~ MM Guide Deana Zabaldo
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