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Mount Baker ski and avalanche training Mountain Madness

MM will be auctioning off a GMC at Snowball, April 10th, to support the Northwest Weather & Avalanche Center!

The Friends of the North­west Weath­er and Avalanche­Cen­ter are spon­sor­ing the inau­gur­al Snow­ball Din­ner and Auc­tion to sup­port the North­west Weath­er and Avalanche­Cen­ter. Dwin­dling state and fed­er­al bud­gets have result­ed in NWAC fac­ing a severe bud­get short­fall of over $100,000 for next season. 

If fund­ing is not raised to fill that gap, we face the very real pos­si­bil­i­ty that NWAC will not exist next year, and we will not have the weath­er and avalanche infor­ma­tion that we all use to plan our trips and stay safe in the moun­tains. The Friends is work­ing hard to fill that gap and needs your help. 

Please join us in attend­ing Snow­ball on Fri­day, April 10 at the Bal­lard Elks Club. There will be both silent and live auc­tions with a lot of great items, includ­ing a spot on a Moun­tain Mad­ness Glac­i­er Moun­taineer­ing course, as well as good food and bev­er­ages to be enjoyed among friends. It will be a good send off for the sea­son and a good time in sup­port of a cause that we all use and need. 

Sup­port for NWAC is of para­mount impor­tance in light of the bad avalanch­es that we have had this year and the loom­ing state bud­get deficit of $3 Billion. 

Writ­ten by Benj Wadsworth