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11 SA0727 BOLSCH Ian Nicholson P1040741

Lead guide Shayan Rohani set for expeditions to Cordillera Real!

Moun­tain Mad­ness is get­ting ready for Bolivia! We are hap­py to report that Shayan Rohani will be lead­ing the upcom­ing expe­di­tions to the Cordillera Real:

Bolivia Moun­taineer­ing School w/​Illi­mani Extension

Chopakal­ki Climb

Cordillera Blan­ca Adven­ture Trek and Climb

We want­ed MM blog read­ers to hear first hand what Shy’s thoughts were for these upcom­ing trips!

For me, Bolivia is a place to take in the pow­er of the Inti (the Incan word for Sun). The wide open expanse of the Alti­plano and the intense high alti­tude sun gives me a chance to imag­ine one of the places the Incans and those before them got the pow­er to orga­nize such pow­er­ful and far reach­ing empires. The moun­tains on this trip are very diverse. Start­ing in the Con­doriri they feel close, crag­gy, and per­son­able. They are like the moun­tains of the Cana­di­an Rockies.

The base camp is very acces­si­ble and it is a great place to be intro­duced to climb­ing, high alti­tude, and become com­fort­able with the var­ied per­son­al­i­ties of the team. Huy­na Poto­si sneaks up on you. It hides its var­i­ous faces much of the time and just as you are becom­ing tired of this grand moun­tain you find your­self on its sum­mit! Illi­mani is proud, majes­tic, and a for­mi­da­ble undertaking.

Stand­ing all alone it gets your atten­tion over and over. It can be a intim­i­dat­ing moun­tain because of its sheer size. The camps are so dra­mat­ic giv­ing great chances to hear the crack­ing of ser­acs as they shift and erode. With patience and many delib­er­ate steps the sum­mit ridge comes into view and feels like no oth­er place you have ever been. I am real­ly psy­ched to share this great place and breathe the thin air of Bolivi­a’s alti­plano with a lit­tle Inti in every breath.”

The Chopicalqui/​Yanapacha itin­er­ary explores the very heart of Peru’s Cordillera Blan­ca. Part of the Huas­caran Mas­sif it is part of the rock that forms the worlds high­est point in the trop­ics. This makes for very dynam­ic weath­er and incred­i­ble sun­ris­es and sun­sets. June is a won­der­ful time to be in the Blan­ca while some of the val­leys are still green from the pre­vi­ous wet sea­son. The moun­tain lupine match the vio­let sky col­or of dawn in the high andes of Peru. The staff Moun­tain Mad­ness employs are so help­ful and casu­al they are real­ly fun to engage. Huaraz, often known as S. Amer­i­ca’s Cha­monix, has become a vibrant cen­ter for moun­tain cul­ture. Great food, shop­ping, danc­ing and drink­ing can be found here. We won’t miss one of Jean Patrick­’s Coca Sour” a hybrid ver­sion of Peru’s nation­al drink only infused with coca leaf insur­ing a great night of danc­ing after­ward!

The Cordillera Blan­ca Adven­ture trek and Climb is tru­ly an adven­ture! Trav­el­ing through the qui­et parts of the range it sneaks its way through some of the wildest cor­ners of the Cordillera. Unpar­al­leled views abound. So much so you will prob­a­bly fill up your cam­era half way through the trip. This sneaky loop is not tech­ni­cal but by no means does that make it easy. Its a chal­leng­ing trek and a true accom­plish­ment when fin­ished. The diver­si­ty of the land­scape is sur­re­al. From nar­rows canyons to coral like lichen, from snow pass­es to gran­ite slabs, and lush flow­er­ing mead­ows to tow­er­ing flut­ed ice pin­na­cles it is the tour de force of the Cordillera Blan­ca. This is real­ly a trip of a life­time! Get ready for days of rubbernecking!

All aboard, let’s climb, dance and be merry!


If you want to get away and climb with Shy in Bolivia, it’s not too late-feel free to give the office a call and we will get you to the Cordillera Real this season!