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- Aug 11, 2011
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Ecuador: busy summer season comes to an end, next trips in November coming up fast!
Five trips completed from April to August this year confirm that it’s not just the winter season that provides excellent summit climbs and trekking opportunities. Our teams enjoyed some excellent climbing conditions and weather combined with the usual fickle weather Ecuador sometimes affords climbers and trekkers. But, if you missed these trips the traditional November-early March season is coming up fast! In the meantime, read more about our August trip.
Upcoming trips:
Ecuador Mountaineering School
Ecuador Volcanoes
Antisana and Illiniza Sur
9‑day Cotopaxi Expedition
Cotopaxi Trek or Climb
August Ecuador Volcanoes trip: Five climbers, along with MM Guide Gaspar Navarrete, approached the Ecuador Volcanoes in early August with hopes of favorable climbing conditions. They were met with extreme winds and unfavroable conditions on some of the peaks that is characteristic often of this month, however the climbers were able to come away from their adventure with some great accomplishments! Their first objective, Cayambe, experienced high winds on summit day, keeping the climbers a few hundred meters short of the summit.
Cayambe. Oscar Amador photo

Oscar Amador photo
An extremely windy day accompanied the climbers on their summit day of Cotopaxi. Climbers Benjamin L. and Kirsi L. reached the 19,348 foot summit while Gaspar and client Oscar A. reached 18,537 feet! Congratulations to everyone for these wonderful accomplishments! The high winds made summit day a very long day for everyone.

Ben, Marco and Oscar. Marco Lopez photo
The team then travelled to Baños and Urbina to rest up before the attempt on Chimborazo. However, the conditions on Chimborazo were unfavorable, so Gaspar quickly and smoothly set up two alternative options: Illiniza Norte (16,818 feet) or Illiniza Sur (17,267 feet). Climber John C. took to Illiniza Norte while the rest of the group headed to Illiniza Sur. The team encountered more wind and cold weather, however Oscar A. and Benjamin L. successfully reached the summit of Illiniza Sur over some nice technical terrain that was a bobus to the trip for sure!

Marco Lopez photo