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- Sep 23, 2014
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Kilimanjaro Presentations in Seattle
Wes at the 30th AnniverÂsary parÂty. Angela GoodÂman photo
Thank you again to everyÂone who came out to celÂeÂbrate our 30th anniverÂsary with us this SatÂurÂday and took part in the workÂshops and preÂsenÂtaÂtions. For those of you that had to batÂtle trafÂfic and were unable to join us, MM co-founder Wes Krause is still in town and will be preÂsentÂing sevÂerÂal evenings this week, so don’t miss it! His stoÂries of the MadÂness over the past 30 years, his climbÂing days with Scott FisÂchÂer, and his years livÂing and guidÂing in TanÂzaÂnia are someÂthing you don’t want to miss! Check out the dates and locaÂtions below:
TuesÂday SepÂtemÂber 23 at 7:30 pm
Free beer and raffle!
SecÂond Ascent
5209 BalÂlard Ave. NW
WednesÂday SepÂtemÂber 24 at 7:00 pm
Free beer, smoked salmon and othÂer treats!
2100 1st Ave
ThursÂday SepÂtemÂber 25 at 7:00 pm
Wide World Books & Maps
4411 WallingÂford Ave N.