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- Apr 10, 2011
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Holidays with Mountain Madness!
How did you spend this last holÂiÂday seaÂson? TravÂelÂling? Home with your famÂiÂly? High on the side of a mounÂtain? See below for a comÂplete list of upcomÂing holÂiÂday trip that allow you to maxÂiÂmize your vacaÂtion time!
Nine MounÂtain MadÂness clients celÂeÂbratÂed this years holÂiÂday seaÂson by sumÂmitÂing the highÂest free standÂing mounÂtain in the world — KilÂiÂmanÂjaro. The team worked great togethÂer, matchÂing each othÂers’ speed to ensure a safe ascent all togethÂer. Although the weathÂer was often spotÂty durÂing the ascent, the rain, snow and wind stopped on sumÂmit day, leavÂing it clear from Arrow Camp to the Crater and all the way back down.

PassÂing the glacÂiÂer on KilÂiÂmanÂjaro. David Bates photo
The rains attractÂed aniÂmals to the NgoronÂgoro Crater, allowÂing for wonÂderÂful aniÂmal sitÂing expeÂriÂences on safari. The group saw a lioness in a tree, eleÂphants, zebras, giraffes, impalas, birds and hunÂdreds of baboons. In Lake ManÂyara, they witÂnessed a RhiÂno crossÂing the road with her baby very close to the vehiÂcle. This time of year, the Serengeti is filled with zebra and wildeÂbeest for the Great Migration.

JefÂfrey DemÂmon photo
EatÂing goat meat with the MaaÂsai and watchÂing a MaaÂsai traÂdiÂtionÂal dance made the trip unforÂgetÂtable. They learned about one of the famous tribes of TanÂzaÂnia while sharÂing a meal with them and drinkÂing soup with herbs from one of the acaÂcia trees.

TraÂdiÂtionÂal MaaÂsai dance. David Bates photo
“OverÂall this was an excelÂlent trip. The organization/​administration was excelÂlent throughÂout, the guides were knowlÂedgeÂable and approachÂable, and we realÂly left TanÂzaÂnia with a far greater underÂstandÂing of the counÂtry and its peoÂple than I would have thought posÂsiÂble in such a short trip. And we all got to stand on the roof of Africa!” ~ HarÂry English
“KilÂiÂmanÂjaro and the safari were amazÂing. Thank you MounÂtain MadÂness for takÂing us up a beauÂtiÂful, secludÂed trail to the sumÂmit of Kili! We briefly saw the conÂga line of othÂers on the main routes and can’t believe our expeÂriÂence was all ours! Thanks again!” ~ Sara Vavra
Ecuador MounÂtaineerÂing School
VariÂable EcuadoÂriÂan weathÂer accomÂpaÂnied sevÂen climbers on our glacÂiÂer mounÂtaineerÂing course in Ecuador this DecemÂber with guide Joshua JarÂrin. The wet weathÂer preÂsentÂed some chalÂlenges for the group, but they were able to overÂcome them to proÂceed with the glacÂiÂer school and benÂeÂfit from acclimaÂtiÂzaÂtion hikes.
On ChristÂmas Eve, five of the sevÂen clients reached the sumÂmit of Cayambe. The weathÂer was windy but clear. UnforÂtuÂnateÂly, the rainy weathÂer and increased avalanche conÂdiÂtions stuck with the group most of the trip. LuckÂiÂly, the weathÂer on Illiniza Norte proved to be more agreeÂable, and the group was able to use their optionÂal sumÂmit day to sumÂmit the peak when Cotopaxi shut them out!
Hut on Cayambe. MounÂtain MadÂness photo
Each team on the slopes of ChimbÂoÂraÂzo was turned around due to high avalanche risk. The conÂdiÂtions gave the guides an opporÂtuÂniÂty to teach the clients about snow testÂing. The clients went home with two peaks under their belt and a solÂid base of new mounÂtaineerÂing skills!
KilÂiÂmanÂjaro still awaits for those who have not expeÂriÂenced the wonÂder of standÂing on the roof of Africa! Also, get your spot on our Bolivia MounÂtaineerÂing School beginÂning in May!
MemoÂrÂiÂal Day
Bolivia MounÂtaineerÂing School
Bolivia Climbs
MounÂtaineerÂing CoursÂes in North CasÂcades
Rock ClimbÂing Courses
July 4th
Bolivia MounÂtaineerÂing School
Bolivia Climbs
North CasÂcades SumÂmit Climbs
MounÂtaineerÂing CoursÂes
Rock ClimbÂing Courses
Labor Day
Inca Trail
North CasÂcades SumÂmit Climbs
MounÂtaineerÂing CoursÂes
Rock ClimbÂing Courses
MexÂiÂco VolÂcaÂnoes
Ecuador MounÂtaineerÂing School
Ecuador Volcanoes
WinÂter HolÂiÂdays
Ecuador MounÂtaineerÂing School
Ecuador VolÂcaÂnoes
Aconcagua NorÂmal Route