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Guided ecuador volcanoes climbing mountain madness

Ecuador Eating Expedition Underway!

By Mark Gun­log­son — Pres­i­dent Moun­tain Madness

This morn­ing we woke up in the com­forts of Hacien­da Rumilo­ma, which is owned and oper­at­ed by Moun­tain Mad­ness guide Ossy and his wife Amber. Siu­at­ed above bustling city of Quito in a small cloud for­est, its loca­tion is sur­passed only by the charm of the rooms and resta­raunt, which seems unlikey to be bet­tered in all of Ecuador. But, the goal of this trip is to do just that as we trav­el in the high­lands vsit­ing what are becom­ing world renowned des­ti­na­tions for both culi­nary attrac­tions and ways to con­nect with the local tra­di­tions and cul­ture. Oh, and in between eat­ing, milk­ing cows, feed­ing lla­mas, rid­ing hors­es, and the like we plan to hike some secret off-the-beat­en track locations.

My trav­el­ling com­pan­ions include 11, yes I said 11, girls ages 4‑almost 50. Wish me luck!! But no bet­ter host than Amber can be imag­ined and her con­nec­tions here will offer us unique oppor­tu­ni­ties for both young and shall we say the mid­dle-aged fac­tion of our group. Among our stops are Hacien­da San Agustin, a work­ing farm com­plete with rooms and a din­ing area built with Inca walls inte­grat­ed into the struc­tures. Then its off to Zule­ta, a hacien­da once owned by a pre­vi­ous pres­i­dent of the coun­try which is becom­ing famous for its cheese. And this just in the first three or four days of our two week+ tour.

The goal of this, dare I say, ​“work­ing” vaca­tion, is to devel­op new trips here in Ecuador for Moun­tain Mad­ness that allow groups of fam­i­lies and friends to come here with some in the group climb­ing the amaz­ing vol­ca­noes here, while friends and fam­i­ly tour the coun­try­side enjoy­ing food, cul­ture, and friend­ly peo­ple. In the evenings, so the idea goes, all ren­de­vous and share sto­ries of the days adven­ture. It is indeed a tough job (ha!), but we are all up to it and look for­ward to shar­ing our expe­ri­ences in this blog. Pho­tos to come.