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- Apr 15, 2011
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Crevasse Rescue on Rainier
Our Northwest Season is starting to kick up some speed! We’ve had two Crevasse Rescue courses take place so far on the slopes of Mt. Rainier and another scheduled on May 7. We will add another scheduled course if demand is high. One client, John Escher, shared his reflections of the course:
April 2, 2011
We all need more stories that start with, “Remember when…” and finish with a head shake and, “that was wild.” Thankfully, we received one of those days this past Saturday on her majesty Mount Rainier’s sloping shoulders.
Joining a small group of similarly-minded-over-eager-wannabe mountain climbers, we took to the hills for a one day overview of crevasse rescue with renowned guide service Mountain Madness.
With the grace of a bulldozer, Rainier delivered a spring slap to the face with 20 degree temperatures, heavy winds, and nearly whiteout conditions. This, of course, didn’t faze our faithful guides one bit, and they delivered a top-notch training performance with enthusiasm and patience. I don’t know what they pay these guys, but they’re worth every penny. Thanks to Jason Broman and Chris Petry for the knowledge and a memorable day.
- John Escher