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- Jan 19, 2012
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Cotopaxi Team Reaches Illiniza Norte
Joshua sends in a new update from the Ecuador team after a successful summit on their second objective.

Illiniza Norte. Joshua Jarrin photo
“I am glad to inform you that we reached the top of Illiniza Norte yesterday, reaching our second goal of the program. After we drove into the National Reserve the day before, we hiked for almost four hours to the “Nuevos Horizontes” hut. We had hired mules to move our load to this hut. On Wednesday we woke up early (5 am) trying to take advantage of the clear weather of the morning and headed northwest towards the north peak of the Illinizas. We had to deal with some snow patches plus a high scrambling in the last part before we reached the summit at 9:45 am. I had arranged for a different route for the descent to take us down the north face of the mountain. We were back in the car by 1:15 pm, where our “arriero” was waiting for us with the rest of our luggage.

Beautiful sunrise on Illiniza Norte. Joshua Jarrin photo
“Now we are heading east to Cotopaxi National Park. The idea is to rest in Tambopaxi lodge this afternoon, recover and restore our strength for our next goal, Cotopaxi! The summit push will be friday night. We can’t wait!”
~ MM Guide Joshua Jarrin

Joe, John and Terry on the summit of Illiniza Norte!