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- Nov 18, 2010
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Aconcagua Dispatch 1/23/09
HelÂlo MounÂtain MadÂness! This is Pablo callÂing in from camp two. Our team had a great hike to camp three today. It only took the group three and half hours! EveryÂone is feelÂing realÂly strong and lookÂing forÂward to makÂing a SumÂmit attempt soon. LorÂna decidÂed to go back down to base camp for health reaÂsons and will wait for the team there. The rest of the team is now in their sleepÂing bags getÂting rest for the move that we are going to make tomorÂrow to camp three. Tonight we made MexÂiÂcan burÂriÂtos with fresh vegÂgies! EveryÂone is hapÂpy and healthy.
The weathÂer patÂtern in the past three days has been interÂestÂing: clear skies in the mornÂing with thunÂderÂstorms and snow in the afterÂnoon. We will keep this in mind when we make our sumÂmit bid and start earÂly to comÂpenÂsate for the weathÂer. All is well here at camp two and we would like to send our love to our friends and famÂiÂly. Ciao!