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Aconcagua Dispatch 1/17/09

Hel­lo from Plaza de Mulas! We have arrived here at 3,400 meters after a nine hour hike to base camp. We are enjoy­ing a rest day today; tak­ing time to orga­nize our food and gear for the ascent of the upper moun­tain. Our group had a chance to vis­it the doc­tor, and found that we are all doing great. Tomor­row we will do a car­ry to Camp Cana­da. Every­one on the team is feel­ing real­ly strong. We are for­tu­nate to have full porter sup­port to car­ry our equip­ment to base camp. This will allow us to be light and strong for the climb! I would like to say hel­lo to our friends and fam­i­lies and let them know that every­one is healthy and hap­py. Ciao!