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- Jan 23, 2012
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Aconcagua Team Preparing For Summit Bid
Ossy called in today from Camp 3 with the rest of the team, hapÂpy to have reached their camp before the winds picked up. They arrived about 4 hours ago and are now waitÂing out the 50 mph winds and blowÂing snow. EveryÂone is well and strong and very excitÂed for a sumÂmit attempt tomorÂrow mornÂing once the winds have died down.
Ossy laughed on the phone when he preÂdictÂed that the temÂperÂaÂture was roughÂly 30 below. It’s good to hear they are in good spirÂits despite the frigid temÂperÂaÂtures! SatÂurÂday, the team made a carÂry to Camp 3. YesÂterÂday they had a rejuÂveÂnatÂing rest day, with everyÂone drinkÂing and eatÂing lots. They are all conÂservÂing enerÂgy now, but if weathÂer perÂmits, the team will call us tomorÂrow mornÂing from the summit!
Once the team returns back down the mounÂtain, Ossy will be getÂting ready for the next Aconcagua PolÂish TraÂverse that begins Jan. 29th. Wish them luck!
(All phoÂtos from preÂviÂous expeditions)
Mark Schwab photo
Mark Schwab photo
Mark Schwab photo