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Climbing and trekking to Mount Everest Base Camp Trek

Everest Base Camp Trek with Overnight

Spend one night at basecamp and stand face to face with Chomolungma — the Goddess Mother of Earth

On this Ever­est Base Camp Trek our guides will show you an enchant­i­ng Nepal, a coun­try of hos­pitable peo­ple, beau­ti­ful scenery, and a large vari­ety of cul­tur­al tra­di­tions. This tour blends out­door adven­ture and cul­tur­al explo­ration and is a great way to expe­ri­ence the Himalayan Moun­tains — per­haps the world’s most impres­sive mountains.

Heli­copter flight back to Kath­man­du, sleep­ing bag, down jack­et, map, and duf­fel bag pro­vid­ed at no cost in addi­tion to all oth­er services

Our care­ful­ly craft­ed itin­er­ary ensures prop­er acclima­ti­za­tion, allow­ing you to ful­ly enjoy one of the world’s great treks and the non-tech­ni­cal ascent of 18,450 foot / 5624 meter Kala Pat­tar. Dis­cov­er why this has become one of our most reward­ing jour­neys and a Moun­tain Mad­ness Clas­sic, devel­oped by our founder Scott Fis­ch­er. You’ll enjoy our decades of expe­ri­ence in Nepal with the best pos­si­ble ser­vice and a time-hon­ored con­nec­tion to Nepal. 

Spring trekkers get close to base camp action and spend the night there elbow to elbow with the expe­di­tions from all over the world wait­ing for their chance to reach the lofty peak of the world!


  • Ever­est Base Camp Trek

    $4,900 – 20 Days / Includes trav­el time

    Minimum 5 participants

  • Sin­gle Sup­ple­ment (I want my own room in Kathmandu) – $775


Custom Dates Available — Contact Us



Flight Information

The total num­ber of days for your trip includes all trav­el to and from your des­ti­na­tion, with some excep­tions. Dates list­ed on the web­site start with your depar­ture date from the U.S. and include the day you arrive home. 

For this trip you will need to arrive in Kath­man­du, Nepal on Day 3 of the itin­er­ary. You will cross the date line in mid-flight to Asia, thus los­ing a day. If you are trav­el­ing from out­side the US. your itin­er­ary may require less time to reach Kath­man­du, so all that is required is that you arrive on Day 3 of the itin­er­ary, where Moun­tain Mad­ness ser­vices begin. If you arrive ear­ly, we can assist with extra hotel arrange­ments and activ­i­ties. Oth­er­wise, you can arrive at any time on Day 3. You will be met at the air­port by a Moun­tain Mad­ness rep­re­sen­ta­tive and trans­ferred to your hotel. 

Your return flight home should be sched­uled any­time after 6pm on day 19. Hotel arrange­ments can be made if your flight departs late at night or ear­ly the fol­low­ing morning. 

Please con­tact our office for any help need­ed with your flight schedule.


  • Ever­est Base Camp Trek


    20 Days / Includes trav­el time

    Minimum 5 participants

    Book Trip

Kala Pattar - Trek Elevation High Point

18,450 ft / 5624 m


Khum­bu Val­ley to Ever­est Base Camp 



Trekking involves up to 5 – 8 hours per day with large ele­va­tion gains of 2,000+ feet / 610+ meters on sev­er­al days to be expect­ed. You should be in great phys­i­cal shape before the trek begins. Lead­ing up to this trip trekkers should be able hike both days on a week­end for up to eight hours each day with a small pack with alti­tude gain if possible.

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