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Rock Rescue Course

Learn How to Get Yourself Out Of A Pickle!

Designed for climbers with some pre­vi­ous tra­di­tion­al pro­tec­tion place­ment and rock climb­ing expe­ri­ence, this course rolls our one-day Leav­en­worth clin­ics into a com­pre­hen­sive week­end to get it all done at in one trip. If you spend any length of time in the ver­ti­cal world, it is absolute­ly imper­a­tive that you and your part­ners have a sol­id foun­da­tion of com­pan­ion res­cue skills.

We begin with basic belay escapes and then move into more com­plex rais­ing and low­er­ing sys­tems. We’ll cov­er ascend­ing to your part­ner; a vari­ety of rap­pelling options, knot pass­es, and advance rope work. Site man­age­ment will also be a key top­ic cov­ered. Par­tic­i­pants will learn res­cue pro­to­cols under the guid­ance of expe­ri­enced and sup­port­ive instruc­tors. This is a full and extreme­ly edu­ca­tion­al course.


  • 1‑Day Rock Res­cue Course

    from $210 – 1 Day

    • 1:1 - $535 per person
    • 2:1 - $320 per person
    • 3-6:1 - $210 per person
  • 2‑Day Rock Res­cue Course

    from $420 – 2 Days

    • 1:1 - $1,025 per person
    • 2:1 - $620 per person
    • 3-6:1 - $420 per person


Course is arranged on a custom basis — Contact Us



View Our Rentals
  • 1‑Day Rock Res­cue Course

    from $210

    1 Day

    • 1:1 - $535 per person
    • 2:1 - $320 per person
    • 3-6:1 - $210 per person
    Book Course
  • 2‑Day Rock Res­cue Course

    from $420

    2 Days

    • 1:1 - $1,025 per person
    • 2:1 - $620 per person
    • 3-6:1 - $420 per person
    Book Course


Typ­i­cal­ly Leavenworth


Advanced Beginner