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- Apr 22, 2014
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Trekkers leave Base Camp just before Avalance
After a blessÂing by a BudÂdhist lama, hikÂing in a light snow, movÂing above the tree line, and meetÂing expeÂdiÂtion teams in lodges along the way, MounÂtain MadÂness trekkers sucÂcessÂfulÂly reach EverÂest Base Camp! One night sleepÂing on the glacÂiÂer and then we moved down to thickÂer air….
Trekkers were all safe and nowhere near the IceÂfall for the recent avalanche. SherÂpa staff on climbÂing expeÂdiÂtions set the high camps for climbers, ferÂry loads of supÂplies up to thin air, and are inteÂgral to the sucÂcess of every climbÂing team on the mounÂtain. We send our conÂdoÂlences to the famÂiÂlies and friends of those sherÂpas lost in the tragÂic IceÂfall avalanche this week – they are the backÂbone of Nepal EverÂest expeÂdiÂtions, and we honÂor their strength and courage in such danÂgerÂous work.
~Deana ZabalÂdo, Guide