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- Dec 23, 2011
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Second Aconcagua Team Ready To Depart!
Our secÂond Aconcagua team has gathÂered in ArgentiÂna to get ready for what we hope will be anothÂer excitÂing and sucÂcessÂful expeÂdiÂtion. Although the team is smallÂer, the strong desire for a rewardÂing outÂcome is always the same.
The team at their welÂcome dinÂner. Joshua JarÂrin photo
Joshua and the three climbers finÂished their dinÂner last night in Los PenÂiÂtentes, a town just next to the entrance of the nationÂal park. Before that, they spent all afterÂnoon setÂting their loads for the folÂlowÂing days. This team has choÂsen the PolÂish TraÂverse route, so the approach will be from the Plaza ArgentiÂna Base Camp.
FolÂlow the team’s progress here and we will keep you updatÂed as they call in. Wish them good luck!