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- Apr 17, 2020
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Giving Back — MM Nepal Staff In Lean Times
Everest Base Camp should normally be in full swing right now, with climbers preparing for the summit, and trekkers arriving in base camp, exhausted and elated. Like the rest of the world, Nepal and the Everest region are reeling from the economic repercussions of COVID-19, including Mountain Madness staff who depend on our seasonal trips to sustain them throughout the year. In Nepal no economic stimulus package, unemployment checks, or any other measures exist to assist people during these difficult times.
We’re asking for any donation — small or large — to help support our Nepal team through a season of unemployment. If you have been with Mountain Madness in Nepal and come to know the excellent souls who staff our trips, I’m sure you know why we appreciate them and why we want to help them and their families.
We are collecting donations through a GoFundMe campaign , and we will ensure that your donations are delivered directly into the hands of the staff who were to be employed this spring. This was how we delivered over $80,000 for earthquake relief in 2015: cold hard cash in the hands of those whose homes were destroyed (minus GoFundMe fees). We believe this simple, streamlined approach has the biggest impact without additional costs.
If you prefer a tax-deductible donation to grassroots programs that support people throughout Nepal, I would suggest Changing Lives Nepal (CLN) . Long-time Mountain Madness guide Deana Zabaldo co-founded this organization 11 years ago and continues to volunteer her time, ensuring that donations go directly to on-the-ground, locally-driven projects. Through CLN, Mountain Madness has helped to support 23 children at an orphanage and has donated computers to the orphanage and to nearby schools in remote mountain villages.
We greatly appreciate any amount you may be able offer. If you have more questions, please contact Mark Gunlogson, MM company owner, at markg@mountainmadness.com or call us at 206−953−9046.