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- Nov 24, 2014
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Exceptional weather to kick off Ecuador season
The winÂter Ecuador climbÂing seaÂson was kicked off with a MounÂtain MadÂness expeÂdiÂtion of AntiÂsana and Illiniza Sur. For those of you who have climbed in Ecuador before, you may have expeÂriÂenced cloudy and stormy conÂdiÂtions on the EcuadoÂriÂan volÂcaÂnoes. HowÂevÂer, this team was lucky enough to have views of the avenue of volÂcaÂnoes from the sumÂmit of IllÂniza Sur and Norte! The clients were strong on both climbs and blown away by the beauÂty of the region.
On the approach to Illiniza Norte. OswalÂdo Freire photo
StunÂning views from the sumÂmit of Illiniza Norte. OswalÂdo Freire photo
On the sumÂmit! OswalÂdo Freire photo
UnforÂtuÂnateÂly the weathÂer on AntiÂsana turned the team around at 5300 meters. The final mounÂtain objeÂcive was the infaÂmous ChimbÂoÂraÂzo. The weathÂer was unusuÂalÂly excepÂtionÂal for the sumÂmit attempt, howÂevÂer exhausÂtion from the preÂviÂous objecÂtives turned most of the team around at 5800 meters. ConÂgratÂuÂlaÂtions to BarÂbara S. and HenÂry for reachÂing the summit!
AscendÂing Illiniza Sur. OswalÂdo Freir photo
SumÂmit of IllÂniza Sur. OswalÂdo Freire photo
The first Ecuador MounÂtaineerÂing School has comÂpletÂed their glacÂiÂer mounÂtaineerÂing course and is headÂing in tot he mounÂtains for their main objecÂtives. Cross your finÂgers that they get equalÂly favorÂable weathÂer conditions!