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Escaping the Heat on Baker

Hot sum­mer days may be upon us but the moun­tains are one of the coolest places to be, pun intend­ed. Here’s a glimpse into last week­end’s Mt. Bak­er Eas­t­on Glac­i­er climb with a few Tex­ans look­ing to keep cool and climb high. I learned the high­est point with­in many miles of these folks’ home is 160 feet and tem­per­a­tures are gen­er­al­ly in the high 90’s! Talk about a train­ing challenge. 

Here’s what we saw upon reach­ing Sandy Camp. Things on the moun­tain are look­ing pret­ty dry, with con­di­tions look­ing more like August, but the route is still in great shape and the moun­tain is look­ing good as always. 

Wild­flow­ers are out in abun­dance through­out the entire hike and around base camp. Lupine and moun­tain heather are some of the most com­mon to see, while we also enjoyed a vari­ety of wild berries and oth­er flow­ers down low. 

With the warm weath­er came clear skies and spec­tac­u­lar views of the sur­round­ing moun­tains. Vis­i­bil­i­ty was so good we were able to see all the way from Mt. Rainier to the Olympics. Glac­i­er Peak was also out to our East. 

Despite the fact that the team did­n’t sum­mit on this trip, we all had a great time on the moun­tain. Weath­er was won­der­ful and views could­n’t be better.

Here’s a glimpse of the view on our hike out. Does­n’t get much bet­ter than this! 

Thanks for fol­low­ing along and we look for­ward to see­ing you in the mountains!

~Words and pho­tos MM Guide Jen­ny Konway