Gear breaks.
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- Mar 04, 2022
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Backcountry Repair kit
In the backcountry we rely on our skis, bindings, skins, and boots to take us long distances into remote corners of the backcountry. We stress them and test their limits without thinking much about it and take it for granted that they’ll bring us back to the trailhead without any hiccups. But gear breaks, especially lightweight gear with lots of moving parts. Are we prepared if the equipment that we’re relying on suddenly is no longer functioning? If you can’t click into your skis how will you get back to the car?
It’s vital that everyone carries some sort of repair kit in the backcountry so you can fix your gear or rig up a way to get home. In the photos you’ll find pictures of my repair kit that lives in my pack. I’ve used it many times to fix mine and other peoples gear. The tools I’ve used the most are the ski straps. These can fix so many problems. Make sure you carry the long ones and not the shorties, the short ones are pretty useless in my experience. The other is the Black Diamond binding buddy, along with various bits to fit any screw you may encounter.

My Repair Kit Includes: Leatherman Skeletool, binding buddy with bits, 5 long ski straps, scraper, skin wax, skin tail piece and clip, powder basket, 3 zip ties, large-small pipe clamps, 20ft of cord, hex wrench tool.
This all nestles into a small pouch and comes with me on every tour.