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- Dec 08, 2011
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Aconcagua Climbing Team Reaches Base Camp
First team of the season reaches Base Camp on the Normal Route.
Follow their progress on this map here
After several days acclimatizing at the Confluencia Camp our team has arrived at Base Camp. From Confluencia the team set out for a hike to the incredible South Face on the mountain. With extra time acclimating, our group arrive at Base Camp feeling better than most new arrivals. Here’s our report from Tino,
(All photos from previous expeditions)
On hike to base of South Face. MM Collection
“Yesterday we walked the 7.5 hours to the Plaza de Mulas, the Base Camp at 14,000 feet. Yesterday was pretty cool because it’s a super long, desolate hike and it’s really flat for most of it. There are mule carcasses along the trail from the dead pack animals; it’s kind of like a moonscape. Then you get to the basecamp with these permanent shelters, it’s other worldly!

Hiking up the long Horcones Valley. MM Collection
“We’ve been getting afternoon thunderstorms, snow-storms and build-up. But, overall the weather’s been pretty good. There seems to be more snow on the mountain now than there is normally.”
Base Camp life. MM Collection
“Today is a rest day, we went for a little hike and checked out a hotel up here, which is out of commission. It’s closed, and falling apart, but we went and checked it out. We’re planning on carrying a load of stuff up to our next camp, which is Camp 1, also known as Camp Canada. Then we’re going to come back here and spend tomorrow night and the night after here. And then we are planning to start moving our way up the mountain after that. Everyone is doing well and acclimatizing.”
~ MM Guide Tino Villanueva

View of Base Camp. MM Collection

View of Aconcagua from Base Camp. MM Collection