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- Nov 18, 2010
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Ruth Gorge Trip Dispatch: Snow!

Seth HobÂby photo
We just got anothÂer disÂpatch in from Dave Ahrens, who is guidÂing our nine-day expeÂdiÂtion trainÂing course in the Ruth Gorge.
He says they’ve moved camp to below Mount DickÂey and Mount Bradley, up valÂley from the main Ruth Gorge. They got a late start because of whiteÂout conÂdiÂtions, and now it’s stormÂing hard! They’re being careÂful to avoid the avalanchÂes on Mount DickÂey, and are planÂning to head up to 747 Pass tomorÂrow, weathÂer dependent.
Stay tuned for more disÂpatchÂes as we get them!