Zack Wentz
Zack startÂed his guidÂing career as a climbÂing instrucÂtor while comÂpletÂing his degree at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of British ColumÂbia. He studÂied ForÂest SciÂences with a focus on Snow and Avalanche ForeÂcastÂing where he researched the effects of vegÂeÂtaÂtion on snowÂpack instaÂbilÂiÂty, which he preÂsentÂed at the 2018 InterÂnaÂtionÂal Snow SciÂence WorkÂshop. He has worked as a guide and avalanche instrucÂtor across the AmerÂiÂcan West, CanaÂda, SouthÂeastÂern U.S., and SierÂra, while his perÂsonÂal advenÂtures have takÂen around the world, includÂing the French and AusÂtriÂan Alps, New Zealand, and all over North America.
Zack aims to balÂance guidÂing with research in avalanche foreÂcastÂing and risk comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion. Zack enjoys conÂnectÂing othÂers to the beauÂty and lessons that the mounÂtains have to offer, but seeks out big splitÂboardÂing lines on big peaks in the best conÂdiÂtions. He also works with the NorthÂwest Avalanche CenÂter to proÂvide avalanche awareÂness classÂes, and is engaged in improvÂing pubÂlic safeÂty mesÂsagÂing around avalanche risk management.