Mont Blanc Climb
The highest peak in the Alps with all the creature comforts
Mont Blanc is the highÂest peak in the Alps. To climb this beauÂtiÂful mounÂtain is truÂly a memÂoÂrable alpine expeÂriÂence. The magÂnifÂiÂcent scenery and final, exposed sumÂmit ridge makes this perÂhaps the finest snow route in the Alps. The ascent offers a relÂaÂtiveÂly straight forÂward, high-altiÂtude climb in a draÂmatÂic alpine setÂting suitÂable for both beginÂner and interÂmeÂdiÂate climbers with some mounÂtaineerÂing expeÂriÂence. In addiÂtion to the outÂstandÂing views and rugged terÂrain, climbers will expeÂriÂence the luxÂuÂries of the well-mainÂtained hut sysÂtem, EuroÂpean culÂture, and fabÂuÂlous food. These feaÂtures make for a genÂuineÂly enjoyÂable climbÂing experience.
Trip Perks
An Alps trip is a true ​“climber’s holÂiÂday.” Your nights will be spent in the comÂfort of huts, which proÂvide hot meals and a warm, dry place to sleep. While in town, you are free to stay in the hotel of your choice — if you are on a budÂget you can stay in hosÂtels, or if you want to pamÂper yourÂself, go for the stelÂlar five-star accommodations.
You will begin the acclimaÂtiÂzaÂtion process and review skills by climbÂing a few 4000 meter peaks. MounÂtain MadÂness has put togethÂer a unique blend of these peaks to climb before your ascent of Mont Blanc, adding to your overÂall expeÂriÂence in the Alps. On the Trois Mont route of Mont Blanc we’ll enjoy long traÂversÂes, steep climbs & incredÂiÂble panoramÂic views throughÂout the journey.
Have a Question? Contact Us!
Mont Blanc via Trois Mont
from $3,750 – 5 Days / In counÂtry / Includes guide expensÂes unless othÂerÂwise noted
- 2:1 - $3,750 per person
- 1:1 - $4,375 per person
Price Includes
- IFMGA/UIAGM cerÂtiÂfied guide
- Group gear
- Non-refundÂable hut reserÂvaÂtion (deposit only) for two nights- MounÂtain MadÂness makes the reserÂvaÂtion for you; you pay the balÂance at the hut
- Your fees covÂer your guides expensÂes unless othÂerÂwise noted
Price does not Include
- InterÂnaÂtionÂal airfare
- Hotel and hut accommodations/​balÂance of hut fees
- GonÂdoÂla fees
- Meals
- AlcoÂholic and botÂtled beverages
- PerÂsonÂal climbÂing gear and clothing
- PerÂsonÂal expensÂes (phone calls, launÂdry, room serÂvice, extra meals, etc.)
- TravÂel insurÂance with trip canÂcelÂlaÂtion, medÂical and evacÂuÂaÂtion policy
- All expensÂes assoÂciÂatÂed with non-schedÂuled deparÂture and/​or guide’s transÂportaÂtion fees to a change in venue durÂing the itinerary
- Guide graÂtuÂities
Payment Schedule
- $700 deposit at time of regÂisÂtraÂtion, which includes a $300 non-refundÂable regÂisÂtraÂtion fee
- BalÂance due 120 days priÂor to departure
- The balÂance may be paid by check, wire transÂfer, ACH or credÂit card with a 3% conÂveÂnience fee
Climb is Arranged on a Custom Basis — Contact Us
Cancellation / Refund Policy
- MMI strongÂly recÂomÂmends trip cancellation/​interruption and evacÂuÂaÂtion insurÂance for all trips. Our insurÂance partÂner, RipÂcord, offers comÂpreÂhenÂsive travÂel insurÂance includÂing trip canÂcelÂlaÂtion, as well as rescue/​evacuation poliÂcies and can assist in answerÂing any quesÂtions. In addiÂtion, ParÂticÂiÂpant is expectÂed to have sufÂfiÂcient medÂical insurÂance as preÂscribed by their counÂtry of oriÂgin. ParÂticÂiÂpant underÂstands that MMI does not include any type of insurÂance with the cost of the trip.
- If you decide to canÂcel your trip or change your itinÂerÂary, MMI must be notiÂfied in writÂing. Your trip will be canÂcelled from the date writÂten notice is received. If propÂer writÂten canÂcelÂlaÂtion notice is not received, amounts paid and reserÂvaÂtions made will be forfeited.
- Non-refundÂable fees may apply for cerÂtain trips in order to secure perÂmits and othÂer serÂvices. MMI must strictÂly adhere to canÂcelÂlaÂtion poliÂcies outÂside MMI’s control.
- Due to the perÂsonÂalÂized serÂvice we offer on our trips, MMI reserves the right to waive any fees. We will attempt to accomÂmoÂdate changes and canÂcelÂlaÂtions, waivÂing cerÂtain fees when feasible.
- CirÂcumÂstances outÂside the conÂtrol of MMI and its partÂners, may require amendÂed cancellation/​refund poliÂcies. Such cirÂcumÂstances may include, but are not limÂitÂed to COVID-19, natÂurÂal disÂasÂters, wildÂfires, terÂrorÂism and so forth.
InterÂnaÂtionÂal Trips/​Courses:
- Full refund, less the non-refundÂable regÂisÂtraÂtion fee, will be proÂvidÂed 121 days or more before the deparÂture date
- No refunds will be proÂvidÂed 120 days or less before the deparÂture date
Trip Insurance
We strongÂly recÂomÂmend the purÂchase of travÂel canÂcelÂlaÂtion insurÂance to proÂtect you from the unexÂpectÂed. You aren’t likeÂly to think of it now, but peoÂple do get ill, break a bone, have a famÂiÂly emerÂgency or get assigned to a last-minute busiÂness trip. If you are in remote areas, please note that emerÂgency resÂcue & evacÂuÂaÂtion can be very expenÂsive.
We also strongÂly urge you to conÂsidÂer resÂcue and evacÂuÂaÂtion insurÂance if your own polÂiÂcy does not proÂvide the covÂerÂage needÂed. SerÂvices availÂable may include, but are not limÂitÂed to, heliÂcopter evacÂuÂaÂtion, medÂical care, etc.
If you choose not to purÂchase insurÂance, you assume full responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty for any expensÂes incurred in the event of a medÂical emerÂgency and/​or evacÂuÂaÂtion, as well as for trip canÂcelÂlaÂtion, interÂrupÂtion, lost lugÂgage, etc. We are not the experts and thereÂfore ask that you please conÂsult our travÂel insurÂance partÂner directÂly with any speÂcifÂic questions.
To proÂtect against lossÂes due to illÂness, acciÂdent, or othÂer unforeÂseen cirÂcumÂstances, MounÂtain MadÂness strongÂly recÂomÂmends the purÂchase of travÂel insurÂance as soon as posÂsiÂble after makÂing a deposit. MounÂtain MadÂness has partÂnered with RedÂpoint ResÂoÂluÂtions as our preÂferred travÂel insurÂance provider. Redpoint’s RipÂcord ResÂcue TravÂel InsurÂance™ is designed for adventurers.
For a quote, or to purÂchase travÂel insurÂance, please click this link RipÂcord ResÂcue TravÂel InsurÂance™ or call +1 – 415-481‑0600. PricÂing varies based on age, trip cost, trip length, and levÂel of coverage.
CritÂiÂcal benÂeÂfits of RipÂcord ResÂcue TravÂel InsurÂance include:
- A comÂpleteÂly inteÂgratÂed proÂgram with a sinÂgle point of conÂtact for emerÂgency serÂvices, travÂel assisÂtance, and insurÂance claims
- EvacÂuÂaÂtion and resÂcue serÂvices from your point of injury or illÂness to your hosÂpiÂtal of choice
- ComÂpreÂhenÂsive travÂel insurÂance for trip cancellation/​interruption, priÂmaÂry medÂical expense covÂerÂage, bagÂgage loss or delay, emerÂgency acciÂdent and emerÂgency sickÂness medÂical expense, emerÂgency denÂtal, acciÂdenÂtal death and disÂmemÂberÂment, and more
- OptionÂal secuÂriÂty evacÂuÂaÂtion covÂerÂage in case of an unplanned natÂurÂal disÂasÂter or othÂer secuÂriÂty events
- WaivÂer for pre-existÂing conÂdiÂtions (must be purÂchased withÂin 14 days of tour deposit)
- OptionÂal ​“CanÂcel for Any ReaÂson” covÂerÂage (must be purÂchased withÂin 14 days of tour deposit)
Flight Information
Unlike most MounÂtain MadÂness interÂnaÂtionÂal trip itinÂerÂaries, which include travÂel time to and from your desÂtiÂnaÂtion, our Alps schedÂules begin on the first day of serÂvice in country.
You will need to stay at a hotel or hosÂtel of your choice durÂing the trip and need to make these arrangeÂments through your travÂel agent or on your own. MounÂtain MadÂness will reserve huts for your climb, but you will be responÂsiÂble to pay for them upon arrival to the hut.
Mont Blanc Day by Day / Sample Itinerary
Day 1
Petite AiguÂille Verte
Your MounÂtain MadÂness guide will meet at your hotel in ChaÂmonix. In order to accliÂmaÂtize approÂpriÂateÂly, one option will be to climb the Petite AiguÂille Verte above ArgenÂtière. The route offers a very nice mixed climb with draÂmatÂic views of the Les Drus and the ArgenÂtière GlacÂiÂer. Your guide may choose alterÂnaÂtive routes based on parÂticÂiÂpants skill levÂel and route/​weather conÂdiÂtions. We will spend the night back in Chamonix.
Day 2
AcclimaÂtiÂzaÂtion, Skills Review and Alpine Ascents
We spend today furÂther preparÂing for the climb of Mont Blanc by allowÂing our bodÂies to accliÂmaÂtize to the altiÂtude. If needÂed, time will be alloÂcatÂed with reviewÂing basic mounÂtaineerÂing skills. We will select a few routes for prepaÂraÂtion for Mont Blanc such as the CosÂmiques Ridge or the Midi-Plan TraÂverse. Return to Chamonix.
Day 3
Approach Mont Blanc
Today we take the AiguÂille du Midi tram enjoyÂing panoramÂic views of ChaÂmonix & Mont Blanc itself. In just 20 minÂutes the tram will take us from ChaÂmonix to nearÂly 4000m. After exitÂing the tram it’s a relÂaÂtiveÂly short, though techÂniÂcal, walk to the CosÂmiques Hut where we will rest & fuel up for our sumÂmit attempt.
Day 4
SumÂmit Mont Blanc
An alpine start wakes us up around midÂnight. After some cofÂfee & breakÂfast our climb begins with a short descent to the Col du Midi before climbÂing the North Face of Mont Blanc du TacÂul. Once we gain the shoulder/​ridge of Mont Blanc du TacÂul the route traÂversÂes over to Col MauÂdit. From here the traÂverse conÂtinÂues to Mont MauÂdit where the route steepÂens up, culÂmiÂnatÂing with a steep pitch of 40 – 50 degrees. With Mont Blanc now in sight, the route takes us to Col de la BrenÂva and onto Mur de la Cote, a steep ridge that puts us in posiÂtion to tackÂle the lengthy switchÂbacks to the sumÂmit. After a short celÂeÂbraÂtion we’ll retrace our steps back to the hut, and if time perÂmits, descend down to a hotel in Chamonix.
Day 5
Return to Chamonix
This day is built into the itinÂerÂary for some flexÂiÂbilÂiÂty. It’s an alterÂnate sumÂmit day, or a casuÂal wake up and tram ride back to ChaÂmonix, or if all went perÂfectÂly on Day 4 we could be wakÂing up in ChaÂmonix and enjoyÂing some pasÂtries and cofÂfee in town.
At times conÂdiÂtions can make ascents of Mont Blanc imposÂsiÂble. If these conÂdiÂtions occur, othÂer options would be Monte Rosa from ZerÂmatt, or the norÂmal route on Grand ParÂadiso in Italy. Although we do our best to folÂlow the schedÂule listÂed, this itinÂerÂary is subÂject to change for numerÂous reaÂsons beyond our control.
Equipment for Mont Blanc Climb
Carrying Gear
Summit pack (40-50L)
Lightweight as possible with a volume between 2,500-3,500 cubic inches (40-50 liters) serves most people’s needs well
Osprey Mutant 38, Black Diamond Speed 40
Small duffel bag
Large enough to hold everything you’re not taking on the mountain. Will be stored at hotel, to be used after trip
Patagonia Black Hole
Small padlock for duffel bags
Extra security
Baggage tags
Makes identifying your bags easy at airports or hotels
Sleeping Gear
Sleeping bag liner
Blankets and pads provide by the huts
Climbing Gear
Alpine climbing harness
Must have adjustable leg loops and fit over all clothing
Black Diamond Couloir, Petzl Altitude, Petzl Hirundos
Locking carabiners (2)
Two large, pear-shaped carabiners are best
Black Diamond Rock Lock, Petzl William, Petzl Attache
Non-locking carabiners (2)
2 non-locking carabiners. wired straight-gates are recommended
Black Diamond HotWire
Belay device (plaquette)
Tube style
Black Diamond ATC Guide, Petzl Reverso
Mountaineering ice axe
under 5’7” use 60cm, 5’7”-6’2” use 60 or 65cm, over 6’2” use 70cm
Black Diamond Raven, Petzl Glacier
Crampons w/ anti-balling plate
Steel 12-pont. Must be fit to climbing boots prior to trip, new-matic/hybrid type
Black Diamond Sabretooth, Petzl Vasak
Climbing helmet
Black Diamond Half Dome, Petzl Elios
8’ of perlon accessory cord
You should bring 8 feet of 6mm cord for prusik loops
18' of perlon accessory cord
You should bring 18 feet of 6mm cord for cordalette
Adjustable trekking poles
Three piece poles recommended
Black Diamond Trail Back Pole
Head and Face
Fleece or wool hat
It must cover the ears
Shade hat or baseball cap
A visor hat with a good brim is essential for protection from the sun
Mountain Madness trucker hat
Bandanas or neck gaiter
Various uses, i.e. cleaning glasses, sun protection when tied around the neck, etc. We have our own Mountain Madness neck gaiter available for purchase!
Mountain Madness neck gaiter
Balaclava or Buff
A thin balaclava will add significant warmth on that cold summit day
Outdoor Research, Marmot
Glacier glasses
100% UV protection with side shields and a hard-sided storage case
Liner gloves
Two pairs thin fleece or synthetic
Softshell gloves
One pair medium-weight for daily wear when it’s not too cold
Black Diamond Arc, Arcteryx Zenta LT Glove
Climbing gloves
A shell system of a fleece liner and waterproof shell that handles cold
Outdoor Research Arete
Thin socks (2 pair)
Two pairs of synthetic or wool socks to wear under heavy wool socks to help prevent blisters and keep feet dry
Smartwool or Cool Max
Thick socks (3 pair)
Three pairs of synthetic or wool socks, medium to heavyweight. Check boot fit with thin and thick socks on
Smartwool or Thorlo
One pair of gaiters made of breathable material; keeps dirt and snow out of boots. Make sure they fit over your boots
Outdoor Research Verglas or Crocodiles
Technical mountaineering boots
Heavyweight and crampon compatible. Plastic boots are an option
Scarpa Mt Blanc, Scarpa Phantom Tech, La Sportiva Nepal Evo GTX, Salewa Vulture Vertical GTX
Rock shoes (optional Cham)
Good to keep your options open as the Chamonix valley is surrounded by world class rock routes
La Sportiva Mythos
Upper Body
Synthetic t-shirts
Two synthetic or merino wool t-shirts. No cotton!
Long-sleeved Base Layer
Two lightweight to mediumweight, pull-over is best
Patagonia Capilene
Sports bras
Two, synthetic, no cotton!
Softshell Jacket w/ hood
This is what you will be wearing while hiking at higher altitudes or while kicking around camps at lower altitude. This jacket should be full-zip
Outdoor Research Ferrosi
Hardshell jacket w/ hood
A good jacket made of Gore-Tex (recommended) or waterproof nylon, roomy enough to fit over multiple layers
Outdoor Research Foray, Patagonia Triolet
Down or synthetic jacket w/hood
This is your most important piece of warm gear and will mean the difference between an enjoyable climb or a miserable one. A warm, full zip jacket with hood is ideal.
Helly Hansen Vanir, Feathered Friends Volant, Marmot Guide’s Down Hoody, Outdoor Research Virtuoso Hoody
Sun hoody
This piece with a high SPF rating and lightweight fabric offers protection from high altitude sun
Outdoor Research
Lower Body
Adequate supply for the entire trip
Hiking shorts
One pair of quick-drying shorts. Good for hiking at lower elevations on the mountain
Long base layer
Two pairs light or mediumweight
Patagonia Capilene
Softshell pants
Softshell pants are water resistant, yet highly breathable and durable. Great for colder conditions over a pair of long underwear or tights higher on the mountain or summit day
Outdoor Research Voodoo, Mountain Hardwear Touren, Patagonia Guide
Hardshell pants
waterproof and breathable with side zips (minimum of Âľ zips recommended) Gore-Tex or equivalent
Outdoor Research Furio, Arcteryx Beta AR
Stuff sacks/ditty bags/plastic bags
To organize gear in your duffle and pack. All clothing should be kept dry using waterproof stuff sacks or large heavyweight plastic bags (trash compactor bags work great)
Toothbrush and paste, comb, tampons, biodegradable soap (small amount), etc. Bring enough for the entire trip
Toilet paper
1 – 2 rolls stored in a plastic bag
Bring plenty of sun block with SPF of 40 or more. It's easy to underestimate the amount necessary for your trip!
Lip balm
Must have SPF rating of 20 or more. Bring two just in case!
Ear plugs
To block out snoring and other noise to ensure a good night's sleep
Water bottles with insulators
Two one-liter wide-mouthed plastic bottles
Small stainless-steel thermos (optional)
For hot beverages on summit day
Water purification
Steri Pen, Potable Aqua, Polar Pure crystal iodine. Purifies drinking water while on the trip.
Water flavoring
Powdered additives like Gatorade or NUUN are a nice change of pace to water and help replenish much needed electrolytes.
Bring extra batteries!
Pocket knife or multitool
Simple Swiss Army type with scissors. Make sure you transport in checked bag, not carry-on!
Personal first aid and drug kit
small personal first aid kit with ample bandaids and moleskin
Nausea medications
Pepto Bismol tablets; Maalox, Gelusil M or Mylanta antacid tablets. Donnatal for stomach cramps. Probiotic capsules taken daily may help keep your gastro-intestinal system working smoothly
For wash up in camp
A small pack or two anti-bacterial are great for general hygiene
Spare contacts and glasses
Contacts can be a problem in dusty conditions, so make sure you have your back-up glasses with you. Glasses wearers should have a spare set
Snacks (general)
Bring your favorite snacks and power/energy bars or if there is something else you particularly like to eat while hiking and climbing
Spare bottle for a pee bottle, and a pee funnel (Lady J or Freshette) for women
It can be a cold walk to the toilet at night
Insect repellent
A must!
Personal electronics
Phone with camera, and/or separate camera. Bring extra batteries and memory!
Electronics charging
If you want to charge your electronics along the way, a small, lightweight solar panel to charge batteries or portable charging device may be a good addition
Travel power adapter
Most come in kits with all the plugs you need. Double-check to make sure you’re taking the correct adapter/plugs
Travel clothing
Comfortable clothing for travel before and after the expedition
Mont Blanc via Trois Mont
from $3,750
5 Days / In counÂtry / Includes guide expensÂes unless othÂerÂwise noted
- 2:1 - $3,750 per person
- 1:1 - $4,375 per person
15,771 ft / 4807 m
Trois Mont
Guide Ratio
1:1 for Mont Blanc Climb / 2:1 for acclimaÂtiÂzaÂtion climbs
Advanced Beginner
Climbers should have basic snow and ice-climbing skills and should be comfortable with glacier travel, which includes moving in a rope team, self arrest, and basic crevasse rescue. Basic knowledge and experience would be required for objectives with some rock climbing.
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