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Tolima from Vancouver farm

Trek Colombia’s Central Cordillera & Climb Tolima Volcano

Trek and Climb Colombia’s (5,221m / 17,129) Tolima Volcano fueled on some of the best coffee in the world!

As much as we all love the moun­tains, it’s often the peo­ple and cul­ture that make cer­tain expe­di­tions even bet­ter! On this new trip in Colom­bia we’ll be in tents some nights, but oth­er nights will be spent with the own­ers of the work­ing farms that are found along the way. The fam­i­ly cooks up the meals for our team and we enjoy some true farm liv­ing Colom­bian-style. Com­bined with the incred­i­ble land­scapes and wildlife in the nation­al parks we trav­el through you’ll expe­ri­ence a unique adventure.

And you’ll enjoy some of the world’s finest cof­fee while you tra­verse Colom­bi­a’s Cen­tral Cordillera through pic­turesque cof­fee farms on your way to climb Toli­ma Vol­cano in Los Neva­dos Nation­al Park. The jour­ney to the sum­mit may be more reward­ing than the climb as this pro­gram takes you through Chingaza Nation­al Park, local hot springs, lush trop­i­cal moun­tain envi­ron­ments, and on a tour of a cof­fee farm where you can final­ly learn how to make a real Colom­bian Espresso.

Trekkers and climbers both will find themselves right at home in the Colombian Andes on this expedition

The sum­mit day climb includes a glac­i­er cross­ing and a lit­tle scram­bling, per­fect for some­body look­ing for a chal­lenge but not a full on expe­di­tion. Trekkers will also delight in the trip as well, enjoy­ing light packs as pack ani­mals do most of the heavy lift­ing. And while the climbers ascend the moun­tain in the mid­dle of the night, trekkers can sleep in and relax, tak­ing in the stars or watch­ing the sun­rise if they’re feel­ing so inclined.

You’ll begin your trip with a fas­ci­nat­ing tour of the vibrant metrop­o­lis of Bogotá, where you can vis­it the Police Muse­um, fea­tur­ing exhibits of the noto­ri­ous drug-lord Pablo Esco­bar, the Museo D’Oro, which fea­tures over 55,000 pieces of gold, and the forest­ed peak of Mon­ser­rate with a church at the sum­mit that offers beau­ti­ful views of the sprawl­ing city of more than 8 mil­lion inhab­i­tants. Indeed, there is a rich cul­ture and his­to­ry here, one that eas­i­ly over­shad­ows the pop­u­lar, though unfor­tu­nate, view of Colom­bia as a place of noto­ri­ous drug lords or guillera war­fare. The cul­tur­al her­itage left by the pre-Columbian peo­ple and the Span­ish influ­ence cre­ates a rich back­drop for trav­el­ers and a great way to immerse your­self in the coun­try before head­ing into the mountains.


  • Toli­ma Vol­cano & The Cen­tral Andes Of Colombia

    $5,275 – 11 Days including travel

  • Sin­gle Sup­ple­ment (I want my own room) – $475

Sub­ject to change. 




  • Toli­ma Vol­cano & The Cen­tral Andes Of Colombia


    11 Days including travel

    Book Trip

High Point 17,129 Feet / 5,112 Meters

Toli­ma Volcano


Advanced Beginner

Par­tic­i­pants will need to be in good phys­i­cal con­di­tion. No climb­ing expe­ri­ence need­ed, but there is a glac­i­er cross­ing and some easy scrambling.