Alps Custom Climbs
Classic Itineraries For All Levels
Unless othÂerÂwise notÂed, our proÂgrams in the Alps are arranged on a cusÂtom basis. Join us on our clasÂsic itinÂerÂaries suitÂable for all skill levÂels or design your own and samÂple some of the techÂniÂcal climbÂing availÂable in SwitzerÂland and France. We’ll work closeÂly with you to deterÂmine the dates that best suits your needs. Trips are genÂerÂalÂly arranged one of three ways:
- A priÂvate climb for you
- An open climb with othÂer climbers added to your date
- Join an open climb that is already scheduled.
Alps climbs book earÂly, please conÂtact us for details and availability.
Trip Perks
- ComÂfortÂable accomÂmoÂdaÂtions — huts or hotels the entire time
- OutÂstandÂing acclimaÂtiÂzaÂtion climbs
- Low client to guide ratio with IFMGA/UIAGM cerÂtiÂfied guides
- AesÂthetÂic routes in one of the world’s greatÂest and most accesÂsiÂble ranges
- EuroÂpean culÂture and excelÂlent food
If you’ve joined MounÂtain MadÂness on preÂviÂous interÂnaÂtionÂal trips you know that we norÂmalÂly offer all-incluÂsive trips. Our Alps proÂgram, howÂevÂer, is difÂferÂent. Due to the wide availÂabilÂiÂty of hotels and restauÂrants high cost of operÂatÂing trips in the region, we have set it up so that our clients can choose the levÂel of serÂvice they would like for meals and hotels. Also, with the schedÂule flexÂiÂbilÂiÂty that the Alps offer, our itinÂerÂaries often change to maxÂiÂmize opporÂtuÂniÂties, which makes it difÂfiÂcult to keep to a speÂcifÂic budget.
We do, howÂevÂer, make the reserÂvaÂtions for the huts, so you do not have to conÂcern yourÂself with that process. You are responÂsiÂble for arrangÂing your hotel stays. We will help you along the way as you make your plans. Please conÂtact us for more details.
Have a Question? Contact Us!
from $575 – Per Day
- 1:1 - $875 per person
- 2:1 - $575 per person
Price Includes
- IFMGA/UIAGM cerÂtiÂfied guide
- Group gear
- Guide expensÂes; with the excepÂtion of transÂportaÂtion (see below)
Price Does Not Include
- InterÂnaÂtionÂal airfare
- Hotel and hut accomÂmoÂdaÂtions (non-refundÂable hut deposits may apply)
- GonÂdoÂla fees
- TransÂportaÂtion between climbÂing objecÂtives for you and guide when travÂelÂling between; for examÂple, ChaÂmonix and ZerÂmatt, or ZerÂmatt and GrindleÂwald; an addiÂtionÂal cost for your guide will be includÂed in the final price
- Meals
- AlcoÂholic and botÂtled beverages
- PerÂsonÂal climbÂing gear and clothing
- PerÂsonÂal expensÂes (phone calls, launÂdry, room serÂvice, extra meals, etc.)
- TravÂel insurÂance with trip canÂcelÂlaÂtion, medÂical and evacÂuÂaÂtion policy
- All expensÂes assoÂciÂatÂed with non-schedÂuled departure
- Guide graÂtuÂities
Payment Schedule
- $700 deposit at time of regÂisÂtraÂtion, which includes a $300 non-refundÂable regÂisÂtraÂtion fee
- BalÂance due 120 days priÂor to departure
- The balÂance may be paid by check, wire transÂfer, ACH or credÂit card with a 3% conÂveÂnience fee
Climbs are Arranged on a Custom Basis — Contact Us
Cancellation / Refund Policy
- MMI strongÂly recÂomÂmends trip cancellation/​interruption and evacÂuÂaÂtion insurÂance for all trips. Our insurÂance partÂner, RipÂcord, offers comÂpreÂhenÂsive travÂel insurÂance includÂing trip canÂcelÂlaÂtion, as well as rescue/​evacuation poliÂcies and can assist in answerÂing any quesÂtions. In addiÂtion, ParÂticÂiÂpant is expectÂed to have sufÂfiÂcient medÂical insurÂance as preÂscribed by their counÂtry of oriÂgin. ParÂticÂiÂpant underÂstands that MMI does not include any type of insurÂance with the cost of the trip.
- If you decide to canÂcel your trip or change your itinÂerÂary, MMI must be notiÂfied in writÂing. Your trip will be canÂcelled from the date writÂten notice is received. If propÂer writÂten canÂcelÂlaÂtion notice is not received, amounts paid and reserÂvaÂtions made will be forfeited.
- Non-refundÂable fees may apply for cerÂtain trips in order to secure perÂmits and othÂer serÂvices. MMI must strictÂly adhere to canÂcelÂlaÂtion poliÂcies outÂside MMI’s control.
- Due to the perÂsonÂalÂized serÂvice we offer on our trips, MMI reserves the right to waive any fees. We will attempt to accomÂmoÂdate changes and canÂcelÂlaÂtions, waivÂing cerÂtain fees when feasible.
- CirÂcumÂstances outÂside the conÂtrol of MMI and its partÂners, may require amendÂed cancellation/​refund poliÂcies. Such cirÂcumÂstances may include, but are not limÂitÂed to COVID-19, natÂurÂal disÂasÂters, wildÂfires, terÂrorÂism and so forth.
InterÂnaÂtionÂal Trips/​Courses:
- Full refund, less the non-refundÂable regÂisÂtraÂtion fee, will be proÂvidÂed 121 days or more before the deparÂture date
- No refunds will be proÂvidÂed 120 days or less before the deparÂture date
Trip Insurance
We strongÂly recÂomÂmend the purÂchase of travÂel canÂcelÂlaÂtion insurÂance to proÂtect you from the unexÂpectÂed. You aren’t likeÂly to think of it now, but peoÂple do get ill, break a bone, have a famÂiÂly emerÂgency or get assigned to a last-minute busiÂness trip. If you are in remote areas, please note that emerÂgency resÂcue & evacÂuÂaÂtion can be very expenÂsive.
We also strongÂly urge you to conÂsidÂer resÂcue and evacÂuÂaÂtion insurÂance if your own polÂiÂcy does not proÂvide the covÂerÂage needÂed. SerÂvices availÂable may include, but are not limÂitÂed to, heliÂcopter evacÂuÂaÂtion, medÂical care, etc.
If you choose not to purÂchase insurÂance, you assume full responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty for any expensÂes incurred in the event of a medÂical emerÂgency and/​or evacÂuÂaÂtion, as well as for trip canÂcelÂlaÂtion, interÂrupÂtion, lost lugÂgage, etc. We are not the experts and thereÂfore ask that you please conÂsult our travÂel insurÂance partÂner directÂly with any speÂcifÂic questions.
To proÂtect against lossÂes due to illÂness, acciÂdent, or othÂer unforeÂseen cirÂcumÂstances, MounÂtain MadÂness strongÂly recÂomÂmends the purÂchase of travÂel insurÂance as soon as posÂsiÂble after makÂing a deposit. MounÂtain MadÂness has partÂnered with RedÂpoint ResÂoÂluÂtions as our preÂferred travÂel insurÂance provider. Redpoint’s RipÂcord ResÂcue TravÂel InsurÂance™ is designed for adventurers.
For a quote, or to purÂchase travÂel insurÂance, please click this link RipÂcord ResÂcue TravÂel InsurÂance™ or call +1 – 415-481‑0600. PricÂing varies based on age, trip cost, trip length, and levÂel of coverage.
CritÂiÂcal benÂeÂfits of RipÂcord ResÂcue TravÂel InsurÂance include:
- A comÂpleteÂly inteÂgratÂed proÂgram with a sinÂgle point of conÂtact for emerÂgency serÂvices, travÂel assisÂtance, and insurÂance claims
- EvacÂuÂaÂtion and resÂcue serÂvices from your point of injury or illÂness to your hosÂpiÂtal of choice
- ComÂpreÂhenÂsive travÂel insurÂance for trip cancellation/​interruption, priÂmaÂry medÂical expense covÂerÂage, bagÂgage loss or delay, emerÂgency acciÂdent and emerÂgency sickÂness medÂical expense, emerÂgency denÂtal, acciÂdenÂtal death and disÂmemÂberÂment, and more
- OptionÂal secuÂriÂty evacÂuÂaÂtion covÂerÂage in case of an unplanned natÂurÂal disÂasÂter or othÂer secuÂriÂty events
- WaivÂer for pre-existÂing conÂdiÂtions (must be purÂchased withÂin 14 days of tour deposit)
- OptionÂal ​“CanÂcel for Any ReaÂson” covÂerÂage (must be purÂchased withÂin 14 days of tour deposit)
from $575
Per Day
- 1:1 - $875 per person
- 2:1 - $575 per person
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