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Terms and Conditions

Please read and under­stand the fol­low­ing TERMS AND CON­DI­TIONS before sub­mit­ting your reg­is­tra­tion to Moun­tain Mad­ness, Inc. (MMI)

REG­IS­TRA­TION: Each par­tic­i­pant must fill out an online reg­is­tra­tion form. Your reg­is­tra­tion will be reviewed and con­firmed via email and/​or phone. MMI reserves the right to deny par­tic­i­pa­tion to any prospec­tive par­tic­i­pant based on the infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed on the reg­is­tra­tion form. It is also manda­to­ry for the par­tic­i­pant to inform MMI of any changes to infor­ma­tion on the reg­is­tra­tion form before the depar­ture date.

RESER­VA­TIONS: A spot will be reserved for the par­tic­i­pant for a spe­cif­ic trek, climb, course or oth­er activ­i­ty (here­in referred to as trip”) once the deposit on the cor­re­spond­ing pay­ment sched­ule is received. Deposit pay­ments must be made by cred­it card. Deposits include a non-refund­able reg­is­tra­tion fee in accor­dance with the cor­re­spond­ing pay­ment sched­ule. Your deposit is your con­fir­ma­tion that you agree to all the TERMS, CON­DI­TIONS AND POLI­CIES for your select­ed trip.

TRIP INFOR­MA­TION: Once your reg­is­tra­tion is con­firmed, we will send you all rel­e­vant and impor­tant mate­r­i­al for your select­ed trip.

PRIC­ING: All adver­tised pric­ing in MMI print and online is expressed in US Dol­lars. Prices are sub­ject to change as a result of forces out­side of MMI’s con­trol and include, but are not lim­it­ed to, park fee increas­es, air­line sur­charges, and so forth. 

BAL­ANCE DUE: All bal­ances for trips out­side the Unit­ed States (inter­na­tion­al trips) and Denali are due 120 days pri­or to the depar­ture date of the select­ed trip(s)* in accor­dance with the cor­re­spond­ing pay­ment sched­ule. Par­tic­i­pants whose bal­ances are not received by the 120-day dead­line stat­ed above, risk for­fei­ture of their spot on the trip with­out any refund of deposit. 

All bal­ances for trips in the Unit­ed States (domes­tic trips), except Denali are due 90 days pri­or to the depar­ture date of the select­ed trip(s)* in accor­dance with the cor­re­spond­ing pay­ment sched­ule. Par­tic­i­pants whose bal­ances are not received by the 90-day dead­line stat­ed above, risk for­fei­ture of their spot on the trip with­out any refund of deposit. 

Final bal­ance pay­ments may be made by check, credit/​debit card with a 3% con­ve­nience fee, ACH trans­fer or wire transfer 


Reg­is­tra­tions with­in 90 days of depar­ture, (120 days for Ever­est, Denali, Logan, Carsten­sz and Vin­son) require full pay­ment at time of registration. 

DATE CHANGE FEE POL­I­CY: All date changes must be received in writ­ing. Changes are deter­mined at MMI’s dis­cre­tion and if approved, must be accom­pa­nied by a new trip reg­is­tra­tion. Any change from sched­uled trip depar­ture can be extreme­ly dif­fi­cult and is sub­ject to all incurred expens­es as assessed by MMI. All date changes are for cred­it only (no refunds) and valid for one year from writ­ten change noti­fi­ca­tion and receipt of new reg­is­tra­tion. A $200 date change fee will be assessed for all domes­tic trips and a $300 date change fee will be assessed for all inter­na­tion­al trips.


  • MMI strong­ly rec­om­mends trip cancellation/​interruption and evac­u­a­tion insur­ance for all trips. MMI will send links to part­ner trav­el insur­ance providers upon reg­is­tra­tion and will assist in direct­ing ques­tions to the appro­pri­ate sources. In addi­tion, Par­tic­i­pant is expect­ed to have suf­fi­cient med­ical insur­ance as pre­scribed by their coun­try of ori­gin. Par­tic­i­pant under­stands that MMI does not include any type of insur­ance with the cost of the trip.
  • If you decide to can­cel your trip or change your itin­er­ary, MMI must be noti­fied in writ­ing. Your trip will be can­celled from the date writ­ten notice is received. If prop­er writ­ten can­cel­la­tion notice is not received, amounts paid and reser­va­tions made will be forfeited. 
  • Non-refund­able fees may apply for cer­tain trips in order to secure per­mits and oth­er ser­vices; e.g. Inca Trail and Himalayan peak per­mits, and Vin­son air­fare. MMI must strict­ly adhere to can­cel­la­tion poli­cies out­side MMI’s control. 
  • Due to the per­son­al­ized ser­vice we offer on our trips, MMI reserves the right to waive any fees. We will attempt to accom­mo­date changes and can­cel­la­tions, waiv­ing cer­tain fees when feasible.


Domes­tic Trips:

  • Full refund, less the non-refund­able reg­is­tra­tion fee, will be pro­vid­ed 91 days or more before the depar­ture date of the participant’s select­ed trip. 
  • No refunds will be pro­vid­ed 89 days or less before the depar­ture date of the participant’s select­ed trip.

Inter­na­tion­al Trips:

  • Full refund, less the non-refund­able reg­is­tra­tion fee, will be pro­vid­ed 121 days or more before the depar­ture date of the participant’s select­ed trip. 
  • No refunds will be pro­vid­ed 120 days or less before the depar­ture date of the participant’s select­ed trip.

Trips with Spe­cial Con­sid­er­a­tion: (Carsten­sz, Denali, Ever­est, Logan, and Vin­son)

  • No refunds on the deposit, nor bal­ance pay­ment will be pro­vid­ed for Mount Ever­est due to the great expense incurred planning/​facilitating such an expedition. 
  • Full refund, less the non-refund­able deposit, will be pro­vid­ed 121 days or more before the depar­ture date for Carsten­sz, Denali, Logan and Vinson.
  • No refunds will be pro­vid­ed 120 days or less before the depar­ture date for Carsten­sz, Denali, Logan and Vinson.

EAR­LY DEPARTURES/ITINERARY CHANGES: No refunds will be giv­en for par­tic­i­pants leav­ing a trip by per­son­al choice, or by direc­tion of the guide. Unsched­uled ser­vices such as trans­porta­tion, meals, hotels, etc., are the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the Par­tic­i­pant. MMI is not respon­si­ble for any addi­tion­al expens­es incurred or asso­ci­at­ed with ear­ly depar­ture from the participant’s select­ed trip for what­ev­er rea­son, includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to ill­ness, injury or per­son­al rea­sons. MMI is not respon­si­ble for any expens­es incurred due to devi­a­tion from the sched­ule under­tak­en by choice of the Participant(s). Trip par­tic­i­pant is respon­si­ble for all addi­tion­al ser­vices asso­ci­at­ed with a can­celled trip.

MMI TRIP CAN­CEL­LA­TION: MMI alone reserves the right to can­cel or post­pone any trip due to acts of man (e.g. war, ter­ror­ism, etc.), for­est fires, con­trac­tion of or expo­sure to air­borne ill­ness or infec­tious dis­ease and organ­ic pathogens/​specific con­ta­gious virus­es (ex: COVID-19) or forces of nature beyond MMI’s con­trol. MMI reserves the right to can­cel any trip due to insuf­fi­cient sign ups, in which case, MMI will pro­vide a full refund. The oppor­tu­ni­ty to pay a small group sur­charge will be made pos­si­ble before the trip is can­celled. MMI is not respon­si­ble for addi­tion­al expens­es (e.g. non-refund­able air­line tick­ets, visa fees, equip­ment, etc.) incurred by Par­tic­i­pant in prepa­ra­tion for a can­celled trip, regard­less of the rea­son for cancellation.

ROUTE AND SER­VICE CHANGES: MMI reserves the right to change the spec­i­fied route, itin­er­ary or ser­vice (hotels, air­fare, guides, etc.) It is pos­si­ble that a route change due to forces of nature may become nec­es­sary on the trip; such as for­est fires, cli­mate relat­ed impacts (hot and dry con­di­tions), and so forth may occur. Route changes will always be at the dis­cre­tion of the guide. In addi­tion, the trip objec­tive may change at the dis­cre­tion of MMI. No refunds will be avail­able in the event of any route, itinerary/​objective or ser­vice change. MMI is not respon­si­ble for any addi­tion­al costs that may arise due to route, itin­er­ary or ser­vice changes. Delays and post­pone­ments in trans­porta­tion may also some­times occur. MMI can­not be respon­si­ble for these at any time, nor addi­tion­al costs incurred. Every effort will be made to min­i­mize any incon­ve­nience to the participant. 

AGENT RESPON­SI­BIL­I­TY: MMI, it’s offi­cers, agents, con­trac­tors, employ­ees, own­ers, direc­tors, asso­ciates, and all oth­er per­sons or enti­ties asso­ci­at­ed or act­ing in any capac­i­ty for or on behalf of this busi­ness here­by give notice that they act only as agents for hotels, trans­porta­tion com­pa­nies, land oper­a­tors and sup­pli­ers of trav­el ser­vices. MMI assumes no respon­si­bil­i­ty or lia­bil­i­ty in con­nec­tion with the oper­a­tion or ser­vice of any air­craft, motor vehi­cle, oth­er con­veyance, inn, lodge or hotel which may be used whol­ly, or in part, for ser­vices to MMI and its clients. MMI, its oper­a­tors, air­lines and agents will not be respon­si­ble for any act, error, omis­sion, nor for any injury, loss acci­dent, delay, incon­ve­nience, irreg­u­lar­i­ty or dam­age which may be occa­sioned by any cause what­so­ev­er. This includes acts of nature, civ­il dis­tur­bance, gov­ern­ment restric­tions or fail­ure of any means of con­veyance to adhere to pub­lished schedule.

BAGGAGE/PROPERTY: MMI will take every care with client’s bag­gage and prop­er­ty but is not liable for loss, dam­age, theft or delayed deliv­ery. MMI acts as an agent for the trans­port, accom­mo­da­tions, and ser­vices of the com­pa­ny sup­ply­ing this trip. MMI may not be held liable for non-per­for­mance of any such supplier.

EVAC­U­A­TIONS: Trip mem­bers are respon­si­ble for the full cost of any evacuations. 

CON­SENT TO TREAT­MENT: I here­by con­sent to any hos­pi­tal care or med­ical or sur­gi­cal diag­no­sis or first aid activ­i­ties with Moun­tain Mad­ness and its agents, if I am not able at that time to give my writ­ten con­sent due to uncon­scious­ness, dis­ori­en­ta­tion or oth­er men­tal inca­pac­i­ty. I also under­stand and agree that I am sole­ly respon­si­ble for all appro­pri­ate charges for such ser­vices and that Moun­tain Mad­ness and its agents are under no duty to pro­vide any first aid or med­ical treat­ment in any event.

CON­SENT TO TREAT­MENT (MINORS): I autho­rize Moun­tain Mad­ness per­son­nel to call for med­ical care for the minor or to trans­port the minor to a med­ical facil­i­ty or hos­pi­tal if, in the opin­ion of such per­son­nel, the minor needs med­ical atten­tion. I fur­ther autho­rize appro­pri­ate per­son­nel to ren­der such med­ical treat­ment as is nec­es­sary for the health of the minor, in their pro­fes­sion­al opin­ion. I agree that once the minor is in the care of med­ical per­son­nel or a med­ical facil­i­ty, Moun­tain Mad­ness shall have no fur­ther respon­si­bil­i­ty for the minor and I agree to pay all costs asso­ci­at­ed with such med­ical care and transportation.