MMI strongÂly recÂomÂmends trip cancellation/​interruption and evacÂuÂaÂtion insurÂance for Mount EverÂest ExpeÂdiÂtion. Our insurÂance partÂner, RipÂcord, offers comÂpreÂhenÂsive travÂel insurÂance includÂing trip canÂcelÂlaÂtion, as well as rescue/​evacuation poliÂcies and can assist in answerÂing any quesÂtions. In addiÂtion, ParÂticÂiÂpant is expectÂed to have sufÂfiÂcient medÂical insurÂance as preÂscribed by their counÂtry of oriÂgin. ParÂticÂiÂpant underÂstands that MMI does not include any type of insurÂance with the cost of the trip.
If you decide to canÂcel your trip or change your itinÂerÂary, MMI must be notiÂfied in writÂing. Your trip will be canÂcelled from the date writÂten notice is received and all amounts paid will be forfeited.
CirÂcumÂstances outÂside the conÂtrol of MMI and its partÂners, may require amendÂed cancellation/​refund poliÂcies. Such cirÂcumÂstances may include, but are not limÂitÂed to COVID-19, natÂurÂal disÂasÂters, terÂrorÂism and so forth.
No refunds on the deposit, nor balÂance payÂment will be proÂvidÂed for Mount EverÂest ExpeÂdiÂtion due to the great expense incurred planning/​facilitating such an expedition.