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Trip Cancellation Policy — Everest

  • MMI strong­ly rec­om­mends trip cancellation/​interruption and evac­u­a­tion insur­ance for Mount Ever­est Expe­di­tion. Our insur­ance part­ner, Rip­cord, offers com­pre­hen­sive trav­el insur­ance includ­ing trip can­cel­la­tion, as well as rescue/​evacuation poli­cies and can assist in answer­ing any ques­tions. In addi­tion, Par­tic­i­pant is expect­ed to have suf­fi­cient med­ical insur­ance as pre­scribed by their coun­try of ori­gin. Par­tic­i­pant under­stands that MMI does not include any type of insur­ance with the cost of the trip.
  • If you decide to can­cel your trip or change your itin­er­ary, MMI must be noti­fied in writ­ing. Your trip will be can­celled from the date writ­ten notice is received and all amounts paid will be forfeited.
  • Cir­cum­stances out­side the con­trol of MMI and its part­ners, may require amend­ed cancellation/​refund poli­cies. Such cir­cum­stances may include, but are not lim­it­ed to COVID-19, nat­ur­al dis­as­ters, ter­ror­ism and so forth.
  • No refunds on the deposit, nor bal­ance pay­ment will be pro­vid­ed for Mount Ever­est Expe­di­tion due to the great expense incurred planning/​facilitating such an expedition.