North Cascades and International Climbing School
Whether reachÂing the sumÂmit of your dreams, prusÂsikÂing out of a crevasse, rapÂpelling a verÂtiÂcal rock face, or becomÂing comÂfortÂable headÂing out in the backÂcounÂtry for some fresh powÂder, our highÂly skilled guides help you each step of the way.
Our school’s misÂsion is to help you develÂop strong leadÂerÂship skills and proÂvide the in-depth instrucÂtion you need to become a viable memÂber of a climbÂing team, a comÂpeÂtent rock climbÂing partÂner, or to advance your skills for the next level.
MounÂtain MadÂness’ domesÂtic climbÂing schools take place in the North CasÂcades and Olympic NationÂal Parks and the Alpine Lakes, GlacÂiÂer Peak, and Mount BakÂer WilderÂness areas. VisÂiÂtors will find ancient forests, casÂcadÂing waterÂfalls, hunÂdreds of glacÂiÂers, prisÂtine alpine lakes and meadÂows, and wildlife that include wolves, bears, marÂmots, mounÂtain goats, and a variÂety of birds. Because of its rugged approachÂes, excepÂtionÂal alpine terÂrain, and unriÂvaled scenery, it is the preÂmière trainÂing ground for climbers in North America.
InterÂnaÂtionÂal proÂgrams include mounÂtaineerÂing coursÂes in Bolivia and Ecuador. These coursÂes proÂvide climbÂing instrucÂtion not only for learnÂing the funÂdaÂmenÂtals of mounÂtaineerÂing, but also proÂvide expeÂriÂence at high altiÂtudes and preÂpares parÂticÂiÂpants for expeÂdiÂtion-type climbs.
Each proÂgram offers a thorÂough selecÂtion of coursÂes from the basics to the most advanced skills needÂed to climb and ski the great peaks of the world. We are proud to have carÂried on our founder, Scott Fischer’s dream of bringÂing the beauÂty, exciteÂment, and transÂformÂing powÂer of advenÂture to those who jourÂney with us. From Mount BakÂer to Mount EverÂest, we invite you to come share the pasÂsion of adventure!
The objecÂtives of our school are threefold;
- To give parÂticÂiÂpants the expeÂriÂence needÂed to join proÂgresÂsiveÂly more chalÂlengÂing guidÂed trips, from our Intro to MounÂtaineerÂing course all the way to Mount EverÂest, and everyÂthing in between!
- To help beginÂners to develÂop the skills and judgÂment that ultiÂmateÂly allow parÂticÂiÂpants to become indeÂpenÂdent climbers, reliant on themÂselves and not the serÂvices of a guide.
- To develÂop in aspirÂing guides the chance to learn from proÂfesÂsionÂals while on their way to becomÂing leadÂers for mounÂtaineerÂing clubs, colÂlege climbÂing clubs, or up and comÂing guides for MounÂtain Madness!
MounÂtain MadÂness has highÂly trained staff. Our guides are either fulÂly cerÂtiÂfied in their respecÂtive areas or fulÂly cerÂtiÂfied IFMGA?AMGA cerÂtiÂfied guides. Thise not cerÂtiÂfied are required to be in the process of achievÂing cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion. All of our lead guides are trained as WilderÂness First ResponÂders and all conÂtinÂue to purÂsue their own climbÂing goals through expeÂdiÂtions and chalÂlengÂing ascents. We careÂfulÂly design every curÂricuÂlum, hand-select our course locaÂtions, and mainÂtain small group sizes so that each client gets indiÂvidÂual attenÂtion and trainÂing. Rock, ice or snow – we offer all the coursÂes you need to become the comÂplete alpinist.
MounÂtain MadÂness is accredÂitÂed by the AmerÂiÂcan MounÂtain Guides AssoÂciÂaÂtion, which lets you know that our serÂvice meets an interÂnaÂtionÂalÂly recÂogÂnized stanÂdard of reliÂaÂbilÂiÂty and proÂfesÂsionÂalÂism both in the field and in our office. For more inforÂmaÂtion about this see Why Go With MounÂtain MadÂness.
MounÂtain MadÂness frees you from the logisÂtiÂcal planÂning and allows you to focus on the experience.
Our trips include:
- Tents and group climbÂing equipment
- TransÂportaÂtion from SeatÂtle to the mounÂtain and back
- ExpeÂriÂenced office staff to help you preÂpare for your trip
- A full rental proÂgram with ice axe, harÂness, boots, cramÂpons, helÂmets, and ski poles
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