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- Dec 30, 2014
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Quick and Joyful Kili
This DecemÂber holÂiÂday seaÂson, MM Guide Ben MalÂiÂty spent ChristÂmas climbÂing KilÂiÂmanÂjaro with a strong famÂiÂly from SweÂden! Their friends had climbed with MounÂtain MadÂness the preÂviÂous DecemÂber when Mark GunÂlogÂson’s famÂiÂly went to TanÂzaÂnia and had nothÂing but wonÂderÂful things to say about their expeÂriÂence. So natÂuÂralÂly, they were conÂvinced that this was the best way for a famÂiÂly of 5 to spend their holÂiÂdays. And all 5, ages 14 to 50, reached the roof of Africa on DecemÂber 24th!

HeadÂing into the park. Ben MalÂiÂty photo
The team got the full MounÂtain MadÂness treatÂment, with overnight accomÂmoÂdaÂtions in the beauÂtiÂful Itikoni PriÂvate Camp and a refreshÂing acclimaÂtiÂzaÂtion hike to the stunÂning waterÂfalls to help recovÂer from their travels.

Ben MalÂiÂty photo
The whole famÂiÂly was so strong, includÂing litlte Mark who was 14 years old, and they did specÂtacÂuÂlarÂly on the WestÂern Breach (seen below). The famÂiÂly, porters and guides disÂcovÂered Yahtzee was the comÂmon favorite game, and it became a daiÂly pastÂtime in the tent after meals.

WestÂern Breach. Ben MalÂiÂty photo

Ben MalÂiÂty photo
The mounÂtain was bringÂing some parÂticÂuÂlarÂly cold weathÂer at this time, so the it was a good thing the team was feelÂing great and movÂing quickÂly. They were able to sumÂmit a day ahead of schedÂule! After lunch and the clasÂsic phoÂtos of the stunÂning crater and what’s left of the glacÂiÂer, the team reached the sumÂmit and headÂed down to BaraÂfu camp.

SumÂmit! Ben MalÂiÂty photo
An earÂly wake-up was accomÂpaÂnied with a beauÂtiÂful sunÂrise on the mounÂtain and the team headÂed down the mountain.

SunÂrise over KilÂiÂmanÂjaro. Ben MalÂiÂty photo
Arrival at MweÂka Gate meant celÂeÂbraÂtions for all and a deliÂcious ChristÂmas meal, comÂplete with a turkey and two botÂtles of chamÂpagne! ConÂgratÂuÂlaÂtions again to HarÂald, AdriÂenne, Leonie, NicoÂlai and Mark!

Ben MalÂiÂty photo