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- Jul 19, 2018
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Mountain Madness gives back
Mountain Madness has a long history of giving back to our local community and to the beautiful countries we climb and trek in. While the destinations we travel to offer exceptionally rich environments, many local populations are far from wealthy. We take pride in paying our guides and porters fair wages and making sure they are safe and comfortable during our trips. It is also part of our values to help under-served populations as best we can.
These are a few of the latest projects we’ve been working on. We hope you’re as excited as we are to see how it is possible to create an impact in our communities.
Mateves High School computer studies books
Together with African Environments, Mountain Madness has been helping raise money and send supplies to the Mateves Secondary School in Ngorbob, Tanzania to bring education to the hundreds of students in the area. Each year, enrollment continues to grow and the students show enthusiasm for their studies.
The school receives only limited funding from the government, making it very difficult to meet the demands for school supplies, qualified teachers and to meet the requirement set by the government to find the necessary resources to build laboratories.
To help with their current requirement for computer studies books, a fundraising campaign was created. With the funds collected – we hope to supply 1,000 books to the students. This will allow one book for every two students. Follow the link below if you would like to contribute!
1000 books for Mateves School gofundme

Rainier Fundraiser Climb
This climb was done in partnership with the Nature Conservancy and spearheaded by Kristin Bennet. The goal was to raise $5,000 to develop a network of trails in the pristine Sierra Valley Preserve in memory of botanist Rebecca Wenk. We’re very happy to see that the 5,000$ goal was exceeded. Many thanks to everyone who donated! Learn more or donate here.
The first day began as they often do in Seattle, rainy and cloudy. But the skies cleared up just in time for a beautiful sunset. On day two, the group continued up the Turtle snowfield towards high camp and enjoyed beautiful sunny weather. Travelling on this side of the mountain may be more of a battle against gravity, but it is rewarded by beautiful views unobstructed by groups of other climbers. The day ended with a nice Mountain Madness-style dinner, where the group could see the Kautz route that lay ahead.

Photo by Michelle Curran

Photo by Michelle Curran
Wednesday morning, July 4th, 2 am. A proper alpine start! This part of the climb is where things get real interesting. The group downclimbed a rock step, and then worked through penitents (elongated thin blades of hardened snow and ice). Then came a moderate ice pitch, where everyone needed to be roped up with an ice axe in each hand. Our climbers did great, navigating each challenge with high spirits, bathing in a beautiful morning sunlight.

Short roping through penitents below the Kautz Glacier. Photo by Andrew Powell.

July 4th sunrise – a great way to celebrate! Photo by Andrew Powell.

Photo by Michelle Curran
As the morning hours were wearing thin, a turnaround point was reached at 13,000 feet, but the climbers had completed the technical portion of the route. Everyone understood the need to play it safe and get within less than 1,500 feet of the summit! The amazing climb, the beautiful sunsets and sunrise and the technical accomplishments were all part of what was a memorable climb.
Big City Mountaineers Summit for Someone
Big City Mountaineers (BCM) is a non-profit whose mission is to instill critical life skills in under-resourced youth through transformative wilderness mentoring experiences. They partner with community-based youth development organizations across the US; in the Pacific Northwest they work with the Boys and Girls Club of Bellevue, Seattle Nativity School, Police Activities League of Vancouver, Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center, Holla Mentors, Volunteers of America, and Antfarm.
Summit for Someone (SFS) is an “adventure fundraising” program which gives people opportunities to climb iconic mountains in the safe, capable hands of experienced guiding companies while raising funds that go directly to BCM.
Mountain Madness has been a partner for the past five years and we just led our fourth SFS trip on July 13 – 15 on Mt. Baker via the Easton Glacier. The eight climbers have together raised over $21,000! The funds raised from the climb will help youth participate in week-long backpacking trips to wilderness areas such as Glacier Peak Wilderness, Mt. Hood National Forest, and Mt. Adams Wilderness.

On these wilderness expeditions, youth learn transformational life-skills – effective communication, responsibility, self-esteem, integrity, confidence, decision-making, conflict resolution, and leadership – skills that will stay with them well beyond the wilderness trip. To learn more about the long-lasting, positive impact BCM has on the lives of youth participants and adult mentors, check out their blog.
Ways you can join the effort
Whether you’re on a MM adventure and participating directly with local projects we’re involved with while on your trip, or want to contribute from afar, we would love to get your help. You can learn more about some of our programs here or let us know if you have an idea!