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Tanzania 406

Help our Kilimanjaro staff during these difficult times

With no place in the world immune to the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic, it comes as no sur­prise that Tan­za­nia has been sig­nif­i­cant­ly impact­ed. As a result the sum­mer climb­ing sea­son for Kil­i­man­jaro has been can­celed. Like their coun­ter­parts in Nepal, our staff 40 – 50+ in Tan­za­nia is now out of work for at least five months, with no gov­ern­ment assis­tance avail­able to help them through this dif­fi­cult time. 

Top pho­to and this pho­to by David Bates

If you’ve danced with the porters, played hearts with MM guide/​card shark Ben Mal­i­ty (a game you no doubt lost), and shared laughs with the cook staff over an incred­i­bly pre­pared meal, you know they pro­vid­ed you with an expe­ri­ence you will nev­er for­get, one that rivals the climb and safari itself. In the end, its the peo­ple that mat­ter the most. Please con­sid­er donat­ing to our crew of guides, porters, cooks, and kitchen helpers and show them we all care.


We are col­lect­ing dona­tions through this GoFundMe cam­paign and we will ensure that your dona­tions are deliv­ered direct­ly into the hands of the staff who were to be employed this sum­mer. We believe this sim­ple, stream­lined approach has the biggest impact with­out addi­tion­al costs. If you pre­fer a tax-deductible dona­tion to grass­roots pro­grams that sup­port porters, I would sug­gest the Kil­i­man­jaro Porters Assis­tance Project, of which Moun­tain Mad­ness is a proud sup­port­er.

We great­ly appre­ci­ate any amount you may be able offer. If you have more ques­tions, please me email me at markg@​mountainmadness.​com or call 206−937−8389.

All the best,

Mark Gun­log­son
Owner/​Mountain Madness

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