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On Spaghetti Traverse Monte Rosa Mountain Madness

Alps Guide Gives Season Overview

The Alps are a magĀ­iĀ­cal place. Just one hour from the major airĀ­port in GeneĀ­va, you can be in the cenĀ­ter of the uniĀ­verse. The uniĀ­verse of alpine climbĀ­ing that is. From your comĀ­fortĀ­able hotel in ChaĀ­monix, the teleĀ­pherique (French for tram) can easĀ­iĀ­ly whisk you from the valĀ­ley floor to high alpine terĀ­rain. Less than an hour after your deparĀ­ture from town, you will be donĀ­ning cramĀ­pons to explore the glacĀ­iĀ­ers and rock spires that towĀ­er above Chamonix.

The 2010 MounĀ­tain MadĀ­ness seaĀ­son in the Alps was the biggest in recent memĀ­oĀ­ry. Two and three guides were going out at one time and groups met on the glacĀ­iĀ­er as well as on tram rides to reach the climbĀ­ing. Despite MadĀ­ness being busy, there was plenĀ­ty of soliĀ­tude to be found in the Alps.

The trips ranged from the clasĀ­sic Mont Blanc and MatĀ­terĀ­horn proĀ­grams to the more scenic SumĀ­mer Haute Route and the SpaghetĀ­ti TraĀ­verse. Due to weathĀ­er and route conĀ­diĀ­tions, not all the groups were able to achieve their desired objecĀ­tives. The effects of the weathĀ­er did not deter our intreĀ­pid climbers. Instead we were able to seek out the less travĀ­elled and incredĀ­iĀ­ble peaks of the Alps! Some of these includĀ­ed: Dri HornĀ­li TraĀ­verse, WeissĀ­miess TraĀ­verse, Belvedere and Dent du Geant. There were also ascents of the MatĀ­terĀ­horn and Mont Blanc for those that had the fitĀ­ness and the driĀ­ve. Great job to all!

The take home point from the sumĀ­mer was not that we were disĀ­apĀ­pointĀ­ed to miss our iniĀ­tial objecĀ­tives if we didnā€™t make them, but rather that we were excitĀ­ed to find high qualĀ­iĀ­ty routes all over the Alps rangĀ­ing from beginĀ­ner to advanced. Please conĀ­sidĀ­er climbĀ­ing with MounĀ­tain MadĀ­ness next sumĀ­mer. We look forĀ­ward to climbĀ­ing with you.

Geoff Unger