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- Nov 18, 2010
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Aconcagua Dispatch 12/29/08
HelÂlo friends and famÂiÂly! I am callÂing from first camp at 16,400ft. It took our team about five hours from base camp to arrive here, and we will stay at first camp for three days. TomorÂrow we will enjoy a rest day and then we will carÂry to secÂond camp the day after. If the weathÂer allows, we will move to secÂond camp the day after.
The weathÂer is pleasÂantÂly clear at this moment, but durÂing the past three days we have had snow showÂers and thunÂderÂstorms in the afterÂnoons. EveryÂone on the team is doing a great job. All are healthy and hapÂpy! Now I must go cook a chickÂen queÂsadilÂla dinÂner, so please send on our love to our friends and famÂiÂlies back home! Cheers!