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Why Mountain Madness

The Spirit of Adventure

Short­ly after com­plet­ing the cov­et­ed, yet har­row­ing sec­ond ascent of Kilimanjaro’s Breach Ici­cle, Moun­tain Mad­ness founders, Scott Fis­ch­er and Wes Krause, took pause. Relieved they sur­vived the ascent of this ver­ti­cal, detached pil­lar of ice, they real­ized that they were hooked. Over the years they were chased by griz­zly bears, walked among lions, rode avalanch­es, and made first ascents as they trav­eled across the globe on the pur­suit of adven­ture. From this part­ner­ship emerged Moun­tain Mad­ness and the pas­sion to share the chal­lenge, beau­ty, and joy of climb­ing, trekking and adventure.Their mis­sion — to offer the high­est qual­i­ty expe­ri­ence for begin­ner to advanced moun­taineers and trekkers alike.