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Will Nunez

Will Nunez found a pas­sion for adven­ture and the out­doors at an ear­ly age grow­ing up in New Hampshire’s White Moun­tains. After high school he con­tin­ued to fol­low his pas­sion out west attend­ing Prescott Col­leges, AZ grad­u­at­ing with a degree in Adven­ture Edu­ca­tion. His out­door expe­ri­ence has led him to remote regions of Col­orado, Ari­zona, Utah, Wash­ing­ton and Alas­ka where he craft­ed his tech­ni­cal skills, moun­tain sense and guid­ing. He now works as a full-time moun­tain guide in the Moun­tains of Col­orado and spends sum­mer guid­ing in the North Cas­cades. His win­ter pas­sions are ski and ice guid­ing and dur­ing the sum­mer months he enjoys guid­ing rock climb­ing alpine routes, tech­ni­cal 14ers, and climb­ing cas­cad­ed vol­canos. He loves every aspect of the out­door indus­try and hopes to pro­vide a unique expe­ri­ence to every­one he guides in the back­coun­try. He is cur­rent­ly on track to becom­ing a ful­ly cer­ti­fied Amer­i­can Moun­tain Guide through the AMGA.