Will Nunez
Will Nunez found a pasÂsion for advenÂture and the outÂdoors at an earÂly age growÂing up in New Hampshire’s White MounÂtains. After high school he conÂtinÂued to folÂlow his pasÂsion out west attendÂing Prescott ColÂleges, AZ gradÂuÂatÂing with a degree in AdvenÂture EduÂcaÂtion. His outÂdoor expeÂriÂence has led him to remote regions of ColÂorado, AriÂzona, Utah, WashÂingÂton and AlasÂka where he craftÂed his techÂniÂcal skills, mounÂtain sense and guidÂing. He now works as a full-time mounÂtain guide in the MounÂtains of ColÂorado and spends sumÂmer guidÂing in the North CasÂcades. His winÂter pasÂsions are ski and ice guidÂing and durÂing the sumÂmer months he enjoys guidÂing rock climbÂing alpine routes, techÂniÂcal 14ers, and climbÂing casÂcadÂed volÂcanos. He loves every aspect of the outÂdoor indusÂtry and hopes to proÂvide a unique expeÂriÂence to everyÂone he guides in the backÂcounÂtry. He is curÂrentÂly on track to becomÂing a fulÂly cerÂtiÂfied AmerÂiÂcan MounÂtain Guide through the AMGA.