Based in Seattle
Tye Chapman
InterÂnaÂtionÂal Operations
Tye has over 15 years in the advenÂture travÂel / mounÂtain guidÂing busiÂness. He’s guidÂed many treks around the world (EverÂest Base Camp, KilÂiÂmanÂjaro, Machu PicÂchu, PatagÂoÂnia, and othÂers) but his priÂmaÂry role has been OperÂaÂtions and ProÂgram ManÂagÂer. Tye grew up in OreÂgon and gradÂuÂatÂed from OreÂgon State UniÂverÂsiÂty but has been in SeatÂtle long enough to call it home. He enjoys spendÂing time with his wife EriÂka, and coachÂing his son Jack’s baseÂball team. When time allows, Tye and his famÂiÂly enjoy hikÂing the trails of Mt. Rainier.