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Tye Bio Pic

Based in Seattle

Tye Chapman

Inter­na­tion­al Operations


Tye has over 15 years in the adven­ture trav­el / moun­tain guid­ing busi­ness. He’s guid­ed many treks around the world (Ever­est Base Camp, Kil­i­man­jaro, Machu Pic­chu, Patag­o­nia, and oth­ers) but his pri­ma­ry role has been Oper­a­tions and Pro­gram Man­ag­er. Tye grew up in Ore­gon and grad­u­at­ed from Ore­gon State Uni­ver­si­ty but has been in Seat­tle long enough to call it home. He enjoys spend­ing time with his wife Eri­ka, and coach­ing his son Jack’s base­ball team. When time allows, Tye and his fam­i­ly enjoy hik­ing the trails of Mt. Rainier.