Ted Callahan
Ted CallaÂhan has been with MounÂtain MadÂness since 2000, leadÂing expeÂdiÂtions in the CasÂcades, the CauÂcaÂsus, the Andes, the Nepalese Himalaya, and the Pamir MounÂtains of ChiÂna. In addiÂtion to guidÂing, Ted holds a docÂtorÂate in anthroÂpolÂgy and since 2006 has conÂductÂed research among KyrÂgyz yak-raisÂing nomads in the Pamir/​Tian Shan regions of KyrÂgyzsÂtan, ChiÂna, TajikÂistan and Afghanistan. A FelÂlow of the ExplorÂers Club, Ted is also a pubÂlished writer and his artiÂcles have appeared in numerÂous magÂaÂzines. He speaks ChiÂnese, SpanÂish, KyrÂgyz and PerÂsian. In 2016, Ted and his partÂner were awardÂed grants from the New Zealand Alpine Club and the Mount EverÂest FounÂdaÂtion to attempt a new route alpine style linkÂing two 7000m peaks in Afghanistan’s HinÂdu Kush. Ted curÂrentÂly calls Kenya home and climbs mostÂly in East Africa and the Nepalese Himalaya, where he has sumÂmitÂed Cholatse, Makalu, and Everest.