Tagg Cole
TagÂgart startÂed to rock climbÂing in the foothills of the Wind RivÂer Range and the Teton Range around his home of JackÂson Wyoming at the age of two. He stuck with the sport throughÂout his childÂhood and startÂed to alpine climb and ice climb as a young teenagÂer. Since then TagÂgart had spent his time climbÂing all over the UnitÂed States, from Yosemite, CalÂiÂforÂnia to new routes in the Wind RivÂer Range in winÂter all the way east to Seneca Rock, West VirÂginia. TagÂgart had climbed up to 5.13 and M8 and enjoys climbÂing on all kinds of mediÂums and sharÂing expeÂriÂences in the mounÂtains with othÂers. TagÂgart is an AMGA ApprenÂtice Rock Guide and an Ice InstrucÂtor. In addiÂtion, TagÂgart is a WilderÂness First ResponÂder, and is CPR certified.