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Suzanna Lourie

Grow­ing up in the Green Moun­tains of Ver­mont, Suzan­na devel­oped a life­long love of nature and explo­ration. As a trav­el writer and jour­nal­ist in her twen­ties, she dis­cov­ered a pas­sion for big” moun­tains dur­ing treks in the Himalayas and Patag­on­ian Andes. In 2017, she moved to South­west Col­orado, switch­ing careers to become a wilder­ness guide and out­door edu­ca­tor. Over the past five years, Suzan­na has ded­i­cat­ed her­self to climb­ing, expand­ing her skills to explore the moun­tains more freely.

When not in the Cas­cades, Suzan­na resides in Ouray, CO, where she spends win­ters pur­su­ing her great­est pas­sion: climb­ing frozen water­falls. Whether explor­ing new or famil­iar moun­tain ranges, Suzan­na thrive in remote ter­rain where there’s an alpine puz­zle” to solve. She is most inspired by routes that require prob­lem solv­ing, diverse skills & trav­el over mixed terrain.

As a guide, Suzanna’s great­est pas­sion is help­ing oth­ers dis­cov­er their own capa­bil­i­ties & strength through the moun­tain envi­ron­ment. She aspires to guide high-alti­tude alpine/​ice climb­ing expe­di­tions in the world’s greater ranges. Suzan­na has tak­en sev­er­al AMGA cours­es and is pur­su­ing full cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. She has com­plet­ed her Pro 1, WFR and is a Cer­ti­fied Yoga Teacher & Leave No Trace Train­er. When she’s not climb­ing, Suzan­na enjoys run­ning ridge­lines above 13k in the San Juan Moun­tains, spend­ing time with her dog and col­lect­ing vin­tage clothing.