Steve Guthrie
1957 – 2022 / RIP
Steve Guthrie passed away on June 20, 2022 at the age of 65. As a longÂtime outÂdoor enthuÂsiÂast, his interÂests were diverse. From an earÂly age he was an avid outÂdoorsÂman and evenÂtuÂalÂly became active in search and resÂcue, mounÂtain guidÂing, and teachÂing wilderÂness first aid and EMT coursÂes. While nevÂer one to shy away from soliÂtude, he was, and always will be rememÂbered first as someÂone who loved to conÂnect. LovÂing to share his knowlÂedge and tell a good stoÂry, he was equalÂly adept at lisÂtenÂing. He will be very missed.