Stephen Heath
Stephen grew up in North Bend, WashÂingÂton and fell in love with the mounÂtains earÂly on. He spent his childÂhood explorÂing the Alpine Lakes WilderÂness and startÂed climbÂing in his earÂly twenÂties. DependÂing on the seaÂson you can find him rock climbÂing, skiÂing, ice climbÂing or mounÂtaineerÂing. The mounÂtains are his pasÂsion and he loves introÂducÂing othÂers to them. He is a cerÂtiÂfied WilderÂness First ResponÂder and comÂpletÂed AIARE levÂel 2. In addiÂtion, Stephen is also an AMGA ApprenÂtice Rock Guide and ApprenÂtice Alpine Guide.