Sharon Birchfield
OperÂaÂtions Specialist
Sharon grew up in NorthÂern CalÂiÂforÂnia and moved to SeatÂtle in 2003 to attend colÂlege. She gradÂuÂatÂed cum laude with a bachÂeÂlor’s degree in InterÂnaÂtionÂal RelaÂtions, focusÂing on InterÂnaÂtionÂal DevelÂopÂment, HisÂtoÂry, and MidÂdle EastÂern StudÂies. Her goal in colÂlege was to travÂel as much as posÂsiÂble, which she did, spendÂing semesÂters in Europe, the MidÂdle East, and SouthÂeast Asia and studyÂing mulÂtiÂple lanÂguages includÂing French, AraÂbic, SpanÂish, and ItalÂian. After gradÂuÂaÂtion she spent sevÂerÂal years in SeatÂtle workÂing for local non-profÂits and social serÂvice agenÂcies. In 2010 she travÂeled to Buenos Aires to comÂplete an immerÂsive internÂship at a local non-profÂit focused on youth leadÂerÂship develÂopÂment and eduÂcaÂtion. It was here that she was introÂduced to mounÂtains and rock climbÂing. She returned to PortÂland and conÂtinÂued to work in the non-profÂit secÂtor, focused priÂmarÂiÂly in eduÂcaÂtion, but the seed for a life outÂdoors was plantÂed, and she spent most of her free time climbÂing and teachÂing with the local mounÂtaineerÂing club. In 2017 she uprootÂed her comÂfortÂable city life to purÂsue a career in mounÂtain guidÂing. She spends part of her year guidÂing in the PacifÂic NorthÂwest, Utah, and Wyoming, and part of the year workÂing in the MounÂtain MadÂness office.