Robert Fitzgerald
HailÂing from Texas Hill counÂtry, Robert was often found at the top of an oak tree as a child. In 2012 he moved to the San Juan MounÂtains where he gained a love for rock climbÂing. On his first climbÂing trip to Moab, Utah Robert expeÂriÂenced his first hand jam and his life was changed forÂevÂer. The love of the hand jam took him all over the counÂtry, where he climbed in Zion and Yosemite and everyÂwhere in between. Once fulÂly immersed in the world of rock climbÂing, Robert startÂed to hear stoÂries of climbÂing in the mounÂtains and became curiÂous. ExpandÂing his vision from crag to mounÂtain, Robert quickÂly fell in love with skiÂing and ice climbÂing. He began his proÂfesÂsionÂal guidÂing career in 2016 in the North CasÂcades and splits his time between SeatÂtle, WashÂingÂton and TelÂluride, ColÂorado. Robert is curÂrentÂly an AMGA ApprenÂtice Rock Guide, ApprenÂtice Alpine Guide, and ApprenÂtice Ski Guide.