Ricardo Lugo
RicarÂdo first began climbÂing mounÂtains at the age of 18, and so disÂcovÂered his pasÂsion for the mounÂtains, cavÂing and the outÂdoors. Born in MexÂiÂco City, he has worked for HecÂtor Ponce de Leon, since 2009, guidÂing in the VolÂcaÂnoes of MexÂiÂco, the Cordillera BlanÂca in Peru, as well as on KilÂiÂmanÂjaro in Africa. When climbÂing seaÂson is over, you can find RicarÂdo, also a proÂfesÂsionÂal caver, explorÂing, prospectÂing and develÂopÂing new projects all around MexÂiÂco. RicarÂdo likes to spend his free time travÂelÂling around the counÂtry, mounÂtain bikÂing, canyoneerÂing and divÂing. A cerÂtiÂfied WilderÂness First ResponÂder and fulÂly cerÂtiÂfied IFMÂGA Guide, RicarÂdo enjoys mounÂtain guidÂing and sharÂing the wonÂders of his beauÂtiÂful home counÂtry of Mexico.