Ramiro Garrido
He began climbÂing in his home counÂtry of Ecuador at the age of 11. Ramiro often spends his time climbÂing in the southÂern Andes of Peru and Bolivia when not in Ecuador. Among his notable ascents, he has climbed Aconcagua by the PolÂish GlacÂiÂer Route, a variÂety of climbs in the Alps, and Pumori in the Himalayas. As a jourÂnalÂist he parÂticÂuÂlarÂly enjoys sharÂing with friends, famÂiÂly and acquainÂtances, his two main pasÂsions in life: mounÂtaineerÂing and outÂdoor phoÂtogÂraÂphy. He has been guidÂing with MounÂtain MadÂness since 2006 and brings the experÂtise of an IFMGA/ ASEGUIM cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion to all his trips.