Peter Chang
Peter comes to the MadÂness after travÂelÂing extenÂsiveÂly abroad. From CalÂiÂforÂnia, Peter has a B.S. in ChemÂistry and MathÂeÂmatÂics, is a PADI DiveÂmasÂter, and a USCG OUPV CapÂtain. He enjoys conÂnectÂing with peoÂple through climbÂing. When he’s not climbÂing, Peter’s lookÂing at winds aloft to fly his paraglidÂer or fixed wings. Peter is an AMGA SinÂgle Pitch InstrucÂtor, an ApprenÂtice Rock and Alpine Guide. He also is a WilderÂness First Responder.