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Patrick Lane

Patrick grew up in the foothills of the Sier­ra Neva­da Moun­tains of Cal­i­for­nia, USA. From an ear­ly age, he enjoyed camp­ing and hik­ing, lat­er direct­ing his time toward moun­tain bik­ing, trail run­ning and com­pet­i­tive nordic ski­ing. His love for the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment led him to pur­sue a degree in Marine Biol­o­gy at UC San­ta Cruz and then spend six years in the US Navy as a Div­er doing sal­vage and under­wa­ter sub­ma­rine repair. Patrick’s Naval ser­vice brought him to Wash­ing­ton State where he devel­oped a love of rock climb­ing, moun­taineer­ing, and back­coun­try ski­ing. After being hon­or­ably dis­charged, he began sum­mer work guid­ing rock climb­ing, canyoneer­ing, and via fer­ra­ta. He spent six win­ters teach­ing down­hill ski­ing. Patrick even­tu­al­ly focused his efforts toward moun­taineer­ing instruc­tion, expe­di­tion guid­ing and instruct­ing, back­coun­try ski­ing, and avalanche edu­ca­tion. He occa­sion­al­ly moon­lights as a remote legal assis­tant for an immi­gra­tion attor­ney. Patrick has lived in Moab, UT, Tel­luride, CO, and spends about two months of his life every year work­ing West But­tress Expe­di­tions on Denali. He cur­rent­ly lives in Seat­tle, WA where he is proud to guide and teach for Moun­tain Mad­ness! Patrick’s favorite part of guid­ing is meet­ing new peo­ple and help­ing them learn and grow by chal­leng­ing them­selves as they explore the mountains!

Patrick is an AMGA Assis­tant Rock Guide, Appren­tice Alpine Guide, Appren­tice Ski Guide, Cer­ti­fied Sin­gle Pitch Instruc­tor and has tak­en his Ice Instruc­tor Course. He is also an AIARE Course Instruc­tor, PSIA Lev­el 2 Ski Instruc­tor, Wilder­ness First Respon­der and Leave No Trace Trainer.