Nicki Jepsen
A CalÂiÂforÂnia girl with a pasÂsion for travÂel and advenÂture, NicÂki is a true advoÂcate for livÂing your dream. While in colÂlege getÂting her InterÂnaÂtionÂal BusiÂness ManÂageÂment degree, she spent a lot of time in Europe and othÂer far-flung exotÂic places, lived in Japan for 10 years, and has called SeatÂtle home since 1996. She runs the numÂbers at our office and is enthuÂsiÂasÂtic about develÂopÂing new trip/​business ideas that benÂeÂfit our cusÂtomers. NicÂki is an avid hikÂer, bikÂer and food explorÂer, fluÂent in GerÂman, and always lookÂing for the next adventure.